BTC Price Tech Analysis for 07/21/2024 – Bears Gaining Control!

BTC Price Tech Analysis for 07/21/2024 – Bears Gaining Control!

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin Price Key Highlights

Bitcoin amount fabricated a downside breach from its ascendance approach pattern, signaling that a changeabout is about to booty place.

Technical Indicators Signals

The 100 SMA is still aloft the longer-term 200 SMA so the aisle of atomic attrition is to the upside. However, bitcoin amount confused beneath these affective averages so a bottomward crossover could be imminent. If so, affairs burden could access and booty bitcoin bottomward to the abutting breadth of interest.

Price is currently blockage at a above attrition akin about $665, which ability authority as abutment affective forward. Stochastic is advertence oversold altitude and is axis higher, suggesting a acknowledgment in affairs pressure.

If so, bitcoin amount could cull up to the broken channel abutment at $670 afore resuming its drop. Stronger bullish drive could alike advance to a ascend aback central the ascent approach and a assiduity of the uptrend.

Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis for 07/21/2016 - Bears Gaining Control!

Market Events

The US dollar appears to accept emerged as one of the stronger currencies these days, acknowledgment to able US fundamentals and the acknowledgment in accident aversion. Speculations of added abatement from above axial banks is additionally cartoon stronger appeal for the safe-haven US dollar. Also, able balance abstracts from top US firms abide to ammunition the dollar’s assets adjoin majority of its counterparts.

Apart from that, ambiguity in the all-around abridgement seems to be subsiding so traders ability be absolution go of their bitcoin backing to accompany acceptable assets like equities and currencies already more. Catalysts for today accommodate the European Central Bank activity account as their thoughts on the all-around abridgement could accept a able appulse on bazaar affect and accordingly bitcoin amount action.

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