Bitcoin Price Analysis 09/26/2024 – Is a Selloff Brewing?

Bitcoin Price Analysis 09/26/2024 – Is a Selloff Brewing?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin Price Key Highlights

Bitcoin amount aloof afresh came off a quick bead and may be accessible to resume its accelerate afterwards this pullback.

Technical Indicators Signals

The 100 SMA is still beneath the 200 SMA so the aisle of atomic attrition is to the downside. However, the gap amid the affective averages is absorption so an advancement crossover ability be due, signaling a change in trend.

For now, if the 100 SMA abreast $600 holds as resistance, bitcoin amount can be able to resume its drop, possibly until the abutting near-term abutment at $590-592. A breach beneath that breadth could advance to a analysis of the $585 mark.

Note, however, that academic is still affective up to advance that buyers are in ascendancy of bitcoin amount activity for now. If this bullish burden is able enough, bitcoin could move up to the 200 SMA activating attrition about those highs at $602 next. A connected assemblage accomplished that point could accompany it up to the breadth of absorption at $605 again at $615.

Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis for 09/26/2016 - Is a Selloff Brewing?

Market Events

This anniversary could be a decidedly airy one for US markets, which could beggarly a lot of movement for bitcoin amount adjoin the dollar as well. FOMC policymakers accept speeches appointed throughout the week, possibly giving added clues on whether or not they can be able to bind budgetary action afore the end of the year.

Also, the presidential debates are advancing up and these are acceptable to abide on issues pertaining to the US economy. Apart from the affairs of anniversary candidate, markets could additionally accept a huge acknowledgment to the poll after-effects afterward these debates, as any ample swings in advance could acerb access bread-and-butter angle and accident sentiment.

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