Bitcoin Price Analysis 09/27/2024 – Bullish Momentum Returning?

Bitcoin Price Analysis 09/27/2024 – Bullish Momentum Returning?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin Price Key Highlights

Bitcoin amount looks accessible to resume its ascend as the ascendance approach abutment is still holding.

Technical Indicators Signals

The 100 SMA is still aloft the longer-term 200 SMA, advertence that the aisle of atomic attrition is to the upside. The concise affective boilerplate is captivation as activating attrition for now but a breach accomplished this $605 akin could affirm that beasts are demography ascendancy of bitcoin amount action.

The gap amid the affective averages is narrowing, though, so a bottomward crossover could be imminent. If it does materialize,  bitcoin amount could accomplish addition attack at breaking beneath the ascendance approach abutment at $600.

Stochastic is still on the move up so buyers are on top of their game. The oscillator is already advancing the overbought area so affairs burden could be beat soon. In that case, sellers could achieve ascendancy and advance for a changeabout from the uptrend.

Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis for 09/27/2016 - Bullish Momentum Returning?

Market Events

The US presidential agitation seems to be assertive the account so far this week, bringing an added agency of ambiguity to the mix. US equities accept concluded Monday lower, absorption how investors are afraid abroad from putting money in US balance advanced of this accident risk.

There’s not abundant in the way of US bread-and-butter letters anyway, although the new home sales for August printed a hardly college than accepted read. The CB customer aplomb basis is due today and a blooper in optimism is eyed, with a bluff than accepted abatement acceptable to booty a bigger block out of the dollar’s assets adjoin bitcoin.

Keep in apperception additionally that the end of the week, month, and division is abutting so there’s a able adventitious for profit-taking from the latest bitcoin amount move for the period.

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