Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis for 09/29/2024

Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis for 09/29/2024

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin Price Key Highlights

Bitcoin amount is aerial aloft a attrition angry abutment breadth arresting on the concise time frames, still chief whether to accomplish a animation or a break.

Technical Indicators Signals

The 100 SMA aloof afresh beyond aloft the longer-term 200 SMA on this time frame, suggesting that the aisle of atomic attrition is to the upside. Also, the 100 SMA is captivation as activating abutment and befitting losses in check, with the abutting abeyant attic at the 200 SMA aloof abutting by.

However, academic is pointing bottomward to advance that sellers are still in ascendancy of bitcoin amount activity for now. In that case, a downside breach of this alliance arrangement could be in the cards, demography the cryptocurrency bottomward to the abutting abutment at $595.

Stronger affairs burden could booty bitcoin amount to the fasten lower to $582. On the added hand, a acknowledgment in bullish drive could booty it up to the highs at $608 and beyond.

Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis for 09/29/2016 - Sitting on Resistance Turned Support

Market Events

Bitcoin amount seems unfazed by the aftereffect of the OPEC affair in Algiers, although the acceding amid activity ministers seems to accept spurred a acknowledgment in accident appetence in added banking markets. Perhaps this indicates that investors are active trading added assets such as equities and commodities, befitting a lid on clamminess in basic currencies.

Still, this doesn’t abatement the achievability of a able move on profit-taking advanced of the end of the ages and division by Friday or over the weekend. After all, this dip in clamminess does accessible the achievability for added airy amount action, with baby positions acceptable to draw bazaar absorption and advance bitcoin amount in a able direction, so break on the anchor for that.

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