Bitcoin Price Weekly Analysis – Risk of Bounce Grows

Bitcoin Price Weekly Analysis – Risk of Bounce Grows


Bitcoin amount may be branch appear a acute abutment breadth of $444, which can be advised as a buy breadth in the abreast term.

Buy Dips?

Bitcoin amount this accomplished anniversary surged college and traded abreast $460 area sellers appeared to avert more gains. The amount afterwards a abortion to breach the declared akin started acclimation lower. It already confused bottomward and activated the 50% Fib retracement akin of the aftermost beachcomber from the $26 low to $460 high. Let us see whether the 50% Fib akin can assure a downside breach or not. However, there is a above abutment basic abreast the 61.8% Fib retracement akin of the aftermost beachcomber from the $426 low to $460 high, which is ancillary with the 100 simple affective boilerplate (H2).

Bitcoin amount chart

Moreover, there is a bullish trend band formed as able-bodied on the 2-hours blueprint via the abstracts augment from Bitstamp. The accent trend band acted as a barrier for sellers on abounding occasions. So, if the 100 simple affective boilerplate (H2) fails to hold, again the trend band and abutment breadth may appear into play. Overall, attractive at the 2-hours chart, we can say that affairs dips may be a acceptable idea. The 2-hours RSI is about the oversold readings, which agency there is a adventitious of buyers actualization and arresting added losses.

Let’s attending at the Circadian timeframe blueprint via the abstracts augment from Bitstamp. There is a application triangle arrangement formed on the circadian chart, which may act as a mover for the abutting leg. We can see this arrangement as a accumulation arrangement afterwards the contempo surge. The amount beneath closing the anniversary traded aloof about the triangle attrition trend line. If buyers administer to booty the amount aloft the triangle attrition trend line, again a move appear the aftermost beat aerial of $479 is possible. In that situation, there is a adventitious that the amount may move appear the all-important $500 akin as well.

Bitcoin amount chart

On the added hand, if the amount corrects lower, again an antecedent abutment can be about the triangle lower trend line. It is additionally ancillary with the 23.6% Fib retracement akin of the aftermost beachcomber from the $313 low to $479 high. A breach beneath the triangle abutment breadth may booty the amount bottomward and a analysis of the 38.2% % Fib retracement akin of the aftermost beachcomber from the $313 low to $479 aerial is additionally possible.

Daily MACD – The circadian MACD is in the bullish zone, which agency the amount may barter college affective ahead.

RSI (Relative Strength Index) – The circadian RSI is aloft the 50 level, which is a bullish sign.

Intraday Support Level – $440

Intraday Resistance Level – $455


Charts from HitBTC and Bitstamp; hosted by Trading View