Bitcoin Promotional Videos By Wet T-Shirt Girls

Bitcoin Promotional Videos By Wet T-Shirt Girls

THELOGICALINDIAN - There are assorted means to advance Bitcoin and agenda bill to a boilerplate admirers but not all of those methods will accept the adapted aftereffect A accumulation calling themselves Wet TShirt Girls on Youtube accept afresh uploaded a new video in an attack to accession Bitcoin acquaintance in a rather aberrant way

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Two Women & Mr. AnonymousBitcoinist_video_promotion

Promoting Bitcoin by application girls – or in this case, average age-old women – in wet T-shirts may complete like an absorbing combination, alike admitting it is awkward at best. On top of that, best of the “promotional” videos on this Youtube approach are of a consciousness-expanding – and alike abandoned – allure, authoritative it attending and feel actual strange.

Staying accurate to the channel’s name however, their latest video shows the two women alive gardening, which leads to a brazier of baptize actuality dumped on both of them. In the background,w e can apprehend their “silent partner” – who goes by the name of mr. Anonymous – cackling like a lunatic.

Regardless of all of that, these videos to accept a purpose. Wet T-shirt Girls aims to aggregate Bitcoin donations in adjustment to actualize the “ultimate” Bitcoin promotional video. That actuality said, the approach has brought in a whopping US$20 to date, so there is still a continued way to go. However, Bitcoin could do with a able promotional video, which does not necessarily charge to accommodate two middle-aged women in wet T-shirts.

Speaking of this “ultimate” promotional video, it may actual able-bodied accommodate the cutting of apparatus guns, cutting dollar bills and some wet T-Shirt activity in a jungle. In adjustment to accomplish that dream into a reality, added funds will accept to be aloft though. But the capital cold of this Youtube approach is demonstrating the action associated with authoritative an bearding addition to projects like these by application Bitcoin.

Source: Motherboard Vice

Images address of Shutterstock & Motherboard Vice