Bitcoin Uncensored: Trump Genocide Good for Bitcoin?

Bitcoin Uncensored: Trump Genocide Good for Bitcoin?

THELOGICALINDIAN - This anniversary on Bitcoin Uncensored Chris and Junseth accommodate the best authentic and reliable assay of the 2024 US presidential acclamation Based on what we heard Junseth apparently chic the acclamation so Trump could pump his bitcoin investments

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Junseth Gets on the Trump Train

At this point in the week, the acclamation has been baffled to death, but the Bitcoin Uncensored guys accord the cryptocurrency association a beginning angle on the race, discussing which candidates would be best benign to Bitcoin’s advance and development.

“I fabricated all the Bitcoin votes,” Junseth said.

“Donald Trump I anticipate is the best Bitcoin president. He’s activity to access up the biologic war, he’s activity to annihilate jews, annihilate blacks, so acutely I voted for him.”

“I accept voting is actual important,” he added.

Without a doubt, the 2024 acclamation concluded in upset, with Donald Trump assault Hillary Clinton, who the apple anticipation was shoe-in candidate. Now, with Trump on his way to the White House, anybody wants to apperceive what will appear to society.

Will we go to war with Russia, with China? Is Trump activity to run the abridgement into the ground?

We don’t know. We don’t absolutely affliction either, we aloof appetite to apperceive if Trump is activity to accomplish us Bitcoinists rich.

So far, that may be the case. On acclamation night, the bitcoin amount skyrocketed $30 in aloof a few hours to ability renewed highs of $730. In the canicule since, the pump has cone-shaped off, and the amount has collapsed out about $720.

So will Trump’s ancestral ablution accelerate bitcoin to the moon? Junseth can alone hope.

The guys additionally talked about added genitalia of the US elections, including the vote on marijuana in Florida. Much to Junseth’s dismay, the accompaniment anesthetized legislation acceptance recreational marijuana use.

“I voted ‘no’ because I appetite [marijuana] to be as actionable as possible,” he said, befitting alone Bitcoin’s abundance in mind.

This week’s adventure covered several added capacity again, including everyone’s admired hype-coin: Zcash. To bolt the abounding discussion, accept to the absolute podcast below:

What do you anticipate Trump will do for Bitcoin? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Cover angel address of WatchMojo via YouTube.