Blockchain Technology To Play Key Role in Consumerism Shift?

Blockchain Technology To Play Key Role in Consumerism Shift?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Consumer behavior has acquired abundantly over the accomplished few years and not necessarily all for the bigger either We are actuality fed account and thoughts to absorb as abundant as accessible as generally as accessible after giving it a additional admitting Items we buy may aftermost anywhere from a few weeks up to a few years afore they charge replacing But if startup aggregation Byebuy has a say in the amount that bearings will change anon And blockchain technology could comedy an absorbing role in that vision

Byebuy – Pay-as-you-go ConsumerismBitcoinist_Michael Cassau

The abstraction of startup aggregation Byebuy is simple: change the accepted customer behavior into a pay-as-you-go arrangement for the latest products. In contempo years, we accept apparent a about-face in antithesis from buying of appurtenances – books, music, movies, cars – to a pay-as-you-go account – Kindle, Spotify, Netflix, Uber. So why not do the aforementioned for added articles in our circadian lives?

However, such a business archetypal does accompany the all-important risks with it. Byebuy would absolute buy articles and again let barter use them for as continued as they charge in barter for a adjustable account fee. When all’s said and done, Byebuy Founder Michael Cassau believes barter will pay up to 95% beneath application his pay-as-you-go model, compared to affairs the artefact in a approved fashion.

It would be absorbing for a aggregation such as Byebuy to attending into blockchain technology. Because the blockchain is absolutely transparent, it would acquiesce the aggregation to see who owns which account at any accustomed time. Plus, by application acute contracts, they could actualize a defended and absolute way of ensuring a acknowledged business accord amid themselves and the customer.

And alike if Byebuy themselves would not use blockchain technology for all kinds of altered purposes, some added aggregation aloof might. The abeyant of blockchain technology is around unlimited, and abounding companies are already attractive into means of adopting this abstruse advancement.

What are your thoughts on Byebuy and their business model? And would they account from blockchain technology?

Source:  Wired UK

Images address of Wired & Shutterstock