Clef’s Success Story: Protecting the Factom Token Sale

Clef’s Success Story: Protecting the Factom Token Sale

THELOGICALINDIAN - Security has been a big affair for cryptocurrency anytime back Bitcoins conception Now in a rapidly growing cryptocurrency industry aegis has become too big of an issueto avoid The growing charge aegis led to the development of added applications like 2FactorAuthentication to agreement complete aegis for companiesworkingin the cryptocurrency ecosystem

Also read: Factom Announces Partnership With Synereo

Bitcoinist Clef and KoinifyBusinesses aggravating to get in the agenda bill amplitude now accept aegis as a top priority, and appetite the best aegis casework the bazaar can offer. Clef, a new semi-decentralized 2-Factor-Authentication application, aims to accommodated this appeal by simplifying the aegis action so abundant that passwords are no best needed.

Clef’s affected “Crypto 2FA” appliance turns the login annual admission into a actual simple experience. Compared to added 2FA solutions, Clef is unique its artlessness and added security.

Koinify was one of the aboriginal companies to admit the abundant abeyant and account of this new application and anon absitively to accomplice up with Clef. After a few months application the Clef app, Koinify seems to be appealing blessed with it. They accept acclimated it to defended the Factoids and Gemz sale, and it has been acknowledged so far.

To accept how Clef is amalgam at the crypto bill space, I absitively to allocution with Tom Kysar, the arch of Marketing at Koinify and Peter Kirby, President at Factom. They provided me a adventitious to bare added about Clef’s success history with Koinify.

There is a growing charge for agenda bill businesses to enhance their security. Currently the best accepted 2FA options accessible in the cryptocurrency amplitude are Authy and Google authenticator. Koinify_Factomsale_Clef_article_2_BitcoinistCan you explain what were the affidavit that led you to aces Clef has the 2FA account provider to defended your business?

After talking with Tom Kysar, I had the adventitious to ask some questions to Peter Kirby about Clef accepting the Factom badge sale. Peter Kirby Koinify_Factomsale_Clef_article_3_Bitcoinistwent on saying:

Koinify has been wonderful. Their mission is to abbey and administer these types of software sales in a way that makes barter abundant added assured to purchase. They spent time with the development and administration aggregation in Austin to get to apperceive us and the Factom software. They additionally created a aperture that bodies use to buy Factoid software and Clef handles the bifold agency authentication. The added capital account that Koinify offers is the administration of the milestones and absolution of funds as we hit our development targets. The Factom Foundation doesn’t get a dime until the beta software is released.

After this comment, I asked him a few added questions:

What can you acquaint me About the Token auction and how it has been anchored with Clef?

The badge auction has been a huge success, and we’re actual accustomed by the activity from the community. We’ve awash 3.5 actor Factoids and anchored funds to abutment the development and absolution of the final software. Customers are absolutely aflame about the befalling to body projects on top of Factom.

Clef handles the on access for the barter of the software tokens. Koinify uses them to accredit purchaser’s accounts back they log in. 

Why did you accept Koinify for the badge sale?

We’ve accepted Tom and Dario, the principals at Koinfy for years. We had a few abounding conversations at the CoinAgenda appointment this abatement and begin that their belvedere served both our needs and the needs of our customers. Koinify fabricated the action actual automated and helped us clarify our business message. Their accomplished aggregation formed about the alarm to get the auction ready.

Are you cerebration of implementing Clef on the Factom belvedere already the badge auction finishes?

Clef is a actual air-conditioned allotment of technology, and we’re consistently exploring opportunities to assignment with abundant teams and projects. We don’t accept any accurate affairs yet.

How is the badge auction going?

We’re actual accustomed and ashamed by the success of the sale. Passionate barter of Factoids accept been aflame about the befalling the technology presents.

What’s your akin of assurance in Clef?

Clef is absolutely cool. It helps us beddy-bye able-bodied alive our barter and funds are protected.

Clef is already accepting several cryptocurrency accompanying business with their 2FA app. Helping Koinify with accepting the Token sales, as accustomed Clef a accomplished new cachet in the agenda bill industry. This success adventure has been giving the app a big drive aural the crypto ecosystem.

How defended do you anticipate Clef is? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

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