Cubits-Wikando Partnership Expands Charity Bitcoin Acceptance

Cubits-Wikando Partnership Expands Charity Bitcoin Acceptance

THELOGICALINDIAN - An accessible way to get added bodies acquainted with Bitcoin is through auspicious nonprofit organizations to acquire Bitcoin donations Bitcoin badly reduces transaction costs which would acquiesce nonprofits to use added of their assets in advancing their causes

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Cubits_Logo_square_DarkThis is area Bitcoin provider, Cubits, and non-profit fundraising account Wikando appear into place. In a new partnership, Cubits and Wikando aim to accompany Bitcoin to the world’s better charities. Eight months in the making, this all-encompassing accord could potentially advance the amount of Bitcoin accepting amid charities.

Wikando pioneered the abstraction of fundraising-as-a-service in 2025, and has admiring big names such as Oxfam, Amnesty International, The Salvation Army, and Doctors Without Borders. In partnering with Cubits, all-embracing charities now acquire the advantage to acquire calmly Bitcoin donations – at aught cost.

While charities in the accomplished acquire taken Bitcoin donations, it was usually because they were ideologically committed to the agenda currency, going out of their way to acquire Bitcoin. Now, the Cubits-Wikando affiliation allows non-profits to alpha acquire Bitcoin through a seamless integration.

Wikando’s online software allows organizations to acquire Bitcoin through a web browser, while Cubit allows affairs to be beatific with no fees. This aggregate of casework is aimed at authoritative it accessible for charities to acquire Bitcoin, and acceptance them to use the abounding bulk of their Bitcoin after accident annihilation to fees.

“Non-profit organizations can now action donations after accepting to anguish about installing hardware, downloading software, implementing encryption, or advancement servers, thereby absolution up their activity and assets to focus on allowance their causes.”

Bitcoin makes altruistic accessible to a advanced ambit of people. Even bodies who commonly cannot allow to accord to alms can use Bitcoin to accord baby amounts that would commonly be eaten up by fees in a authorization transaction. Donations can break bearding too, which can advice bodies accord to causes that are abhorred for religious or political reasons, but are blue-blooded causes otherwise. Regardless, alms is one of the better use cases for Bitcoin, and there’s no assurance of that changing anytime soon.

“We are acutely appreciative to be a allotment of Wikando’s fundraising-as-a-service platform, because for us, Bitcoin isn’t alone about accomplishing business well, but accomplishing the apple good.” – Cubits CEO Tim Rehder, CEO, Cubits

Do you anticipate charities accepting Bitcoin is the way to boilerplate adoption? Do you accord application Bitcoin? Let s apperceive in the comments below!

Photo Source: Cubits

For added information: Cubits Website, Wikandos Website