Dash-Wallet.com: The Scam that Keeps on Keeping On

Dash-Wallet.com: The Scam that Keeps on Keeping On

THELOGICALINDIAN - Phishing armpit DashWalletcom is still ambidexterity unexpecting users of their Dash admitting accepting been outed as a counterfeit website years ago

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Dash-Wallet.com Still Victimizing Users with Phishing Tactics

There are abounding online warnings for Dash users to heed, but unfortunately, they are not actual arresting unless one were to proactively attending for them.  And because best of the users actuality defrauded are acceptable careless, naive; or beginners —  the warnings are usually no advice to the primary victims of this site.Google Dash

The bearings is not fabricated bigger by the actuality that the website is one of the aboriginal to be listed back entering chase queries about Dash or Dash wallets. In fact, it absolutely could be argued that this has been the better acumen for the site’s abiding success.

The armpit itself is additionally camouflaged enough, attractive actual abundant like a accepted armpit alms wallet casework to Dash users. The armpit offers a abounding activity wallet that absolutely generates alive Dash addresses.

Additionally, deposits allegedly assignment after a problem, but unsurprisingly it’s back bodies attack to move their Dash out of their wallets area bodies run into problems. They artlessly will not be able to because the transaction will actually booty always to confirm, as a result, the user will be out of luck with no Dash to allege of.


Are Search Engines to blame?

There’s not abundant crypto good-doers can do if every online advising admonishing Dash users of the phishing armpit is beneath arresting than the phishing armpit itself. 

Furthermore, not alone has Google accustomed this armpit to break on top of the aboriginal folio for chase queries accompanying to Dash, it has additionally deemed the armpit as “not dangerous” on its accuracy address page.

Until these things change, we can apparently apprehend the account of users victimized by this armpit to accumulate growing.

What do you anticipate of the constancy of this counterfeit site? Are chase engines like Google to accusation for it?

Source: thedashtimes.com

Images Courtesy of wattsupwiththat.com, thedashtimes.com, Google