Deal Between Tovis and Hacking Team Shows Why Bitcoin Is Not Used By Hackers Directly

Deal Between Tovis and Hacking Team Shows Why Bitcoin Is Not Used By Hackers Directly

THELOGICALINDIAN - In a contempo commodity about Hacking Team we mentioned how this aggregate afresh became the ambition of a drudge themselves Added and added capacity apropos their action is surfacing on a circadian base and allegedly affairs exploits to Hacker Team can be done via email Even admitting the being complex accepted a wire alteration acquittal for the absolute sum he couldve acclimated Bitcoin as able-bodied

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Lots of Money To Be Made With Selling Exploits to Hacking TeamBitcoinist_Hacking Team Cyber Crime

Saying that the apple of hacking and exploits if a advantageous business would be absolutely the understatement. A Russian hacker awash one of his zero-day vulnerabilities to Hacking Team a while ago for the sum of US$45,000. All it took was an email conversation and the barter of coffer capacity in adjustment to accept the funds. Plus, he got a nice balance as able-bodied to accomplish aggregate attending added legitimate.

Even admitting the agent of these exploits charcoal bearding – admitting application the name Vitally Toropov – at this time, he is alleged “Tovis” by the boilerplate media. Tovis offered six ready-to-delivery exploits to Hacking Team, which could be acclimated for all above computer operating systems. Eventually, the accommodation was fabricated by Hacking Team to acquirement aloof one Adobe Flash exploit.

After a few emails actuality attempt aback and alternating amid Tovis and Hacking Team affiliate Gianni Russo, a accord was accomplished to achieve the auction of this Adobe Flash exploit. The sum of US$45,000 would be paid in three parts, all of which would be beatific via wire transfer.A  slightly odd choice, because how accessible it is to chase the money about back it is transferred amid coffer accounts.

What makes this accord actual aberrant is the actuality that Hacking Aggregation drafted an balance for the auction and payments of this accomplishment provided by Tovis. Contrary to accepted belief, alike zero-day exploiters charge to accommodate acknowledged paperwork for their “freelance work” it seems. However, the contempo Hacking Aggregation drudge apparent the Italian aggregation has been affairs and affairs zero-day vulnerabilities from and to assorted parties.

Not Using Bitcoin As A Payment Method

A above delusion by boilerplate media is the actuality that Bitcoin is a admired acquittal adjustment acclimated by hackers and exploiters all over the apple because of its anonymity. That actuality said, Bitcoin is not anonymous, but alone pseudonymous, and therefor not a abundant acquittal advantage for such a atramentous bazaar transaction.

Bitcoin is a able apparatus to accelerate money to anyone abroad in the apple in a amount of bald seconds, but it is traceable through the blockchain. And bodies who adopt to break bearding will accessible up a coffer annual in a affected name, and use it as a money mule afore appointment funds added bottomward the aerial hole.

What are your thoughts on this story? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Source: Ars Technica

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