deVere Bitcoin Survey: Two-Thirds Of Millennials Prefer Digital Gold

deVere Bitcoin Survey: Two-Thirds Of Millennials Prefer Digital Gold

THELOGICALINDIAN - A new analysis from one of the worlds arch banking advising firms advising on over 10 billion in applicant basic claims that twothirds of its millennial barter far adopt Bitcoin over adored metals as the ideal safe anchorage asset

And in 2024 as the apple goes about absolutely digital, millennials are actuality accurate right. Gold armamentarium flows are cloudburst into crypto, and the aberration in ROI is substantial. Here’s why this trend is alone activity to continue, as the best ascendant demographic begins to booty over the world’s wealth, and with it, the ability to access approaching outcomes.

deVere Survey: Two-Thirds Of Millennials Feel Safer With Bitcoin Over Precious Metals

Millennials grew up alongside the internet, watched the banal bazaar and abridgement collapse about The Great Recession, and accept in accepted had it a lot added difficult than the Boomer bearing afore them.

But because of all of these factors, the millennial bearing and demographic has acclimatized the easiest to today’s changes. They are chatty with agenda technology, adequate alive remotely, able to break commutual with ancestors and accompany through amusing media, and more. They are additionally benefitting the best from the alive bread-and-butter situation, by primarily actuality absorbed in Bitcoin over the brand of stocks, or gold.


In the past, comparisons were fatigued area the bearing of investors built-in in the early-’80s through the mid-’90s adopted crypto over stocks, but the latest abstraction from banking advising close deVere Group reveals they additionally adopt Bitcoin over gold, two to one.

That’s not to say that millennials are against to gold, but that they see the account in a agenda adaptation of the adored metal far added useful, and accordingly valuable.

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How Digital Gold Could Replace The World’s Oldest Monetary Standard

The adored metal has continued been the “gold standard” back it comes to budgetary policy. Throughout history, it has been acclimated as a currency, safe anchorage asset, hedge adjoin inflation, and abundant more. It is acclimated in electronics that are appropriate to run Bitcoin and has been beat over the ages as adornment – a authentication of wealth.

But there are downsides that alone agenda gold can address. Gold is frequently apish and can be confiscated. Bitcoin’s broadcast balance ensures it cannot be bifold or reproduced, and because it exists alfresco of a axial ascendancy and in cyberspace, it is alfresco of the ability of the law, thieves, and more.


Gold cannot be stored or confused easily, which is ascendant to the advancing all-digital, decentralized future. A contempo archetype area the Dutch axial coffer confused tonnes of gold alone kilometers away, amount a abreast affluence to alike with an armed accompany to assure the apparent budgetary instrument.

Bitcoin is never exposed, and affective it would booty about aught effort, planning, and alone a atom of the cost.

So while Boomers ability accept agitation wrapping their active about agenda gold, cryptography, and blockchain, the allowances are what millennials are fatigued to, and with that age accumulation demography over the workforce and the world’s wealth, their vote against Bitcoin will calculation the most.