Economist Saifedean Ammous, ‘Bitcoin Over Everything’

Economist Saifedean Ammous, ‘Bitcoin Over Everything’

THELOGICALINDIAN - In a contempo cheep crypto analyst Saifedean Ammous says those advance in altcoins are accident a aught sum bold

Bitcoin Over Everything

Popular crypto analyst and economist Saifedean Ammous afresh tweeted that any broker crypto broker not captivation Bitcoin has already “lost the battle”. According to Ammous, cryptocurrency is “a aught sum game, and if you’re not in Bitcoin you’ve already lost.”

Ammous explained that the majority of altcoins artlessly archetype Bitcoin and astute investors would accept to advance in the Bitcoin, as the agenda asset has already rallied added than 300% in 2024. 

Ammous’s cheep was additionally a acknowledgment to Blockstack CEO Muneeb Ali, who tweeted, “You can be continued on Bitcoin and abutment added innovations in crypto. Crypto is not a zero-sum game.”

There is authority to Ammous’s cessation that Bitcoin serves as an afflatus to all added cryptocurrencies, but the blanked account that all altcoins are bald carbon copies of Bitcoin is a bit off the mark.

Ammous seems to accept that all added cryptocurrencies are “running an old scam” which is affiliated to money press rather than innovation. To date, cryptocurrencies like Ripple and Stellar accept begin cogent use cases, and Ripple is acclimated by added than 200 banking institutions about the world. Both the XRapid and XCurrent articles offered by Ripple accept additionally helped to legitimize the crypto-sector in the eyes of ample banks and remittance houses. 

Not Everyone Agrees

ShapeShift CEO Erik Voorhees replied to Ammous by saying: 

From a adorning point of view, the crypto area is still in its adolescence and the abreast bottomless arrangement of cryptocurrency use cases agency that there is affluence of allowance for the innovations non-Bitcoin networks offer. The ‘Bitcoin over everything’ angle ability be an adapted byword for traders but as a payments arrangement there is still allowance for improvement.

Take for example, Binance DEX afresh completed a $1.2 billion transaction application its built-in BNB badge in aloof 1.1 seconds. All of this was done with a fee of $0.015. While Bitcoin is able of calmly administration these amounts it’s accepted ability that transaction acceleration is still in charge of improvement. 

Do you accede or disagree with Ammous? Share your thoughts in the comments below! 

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