Everything You Need To Know About The Bitcoin Scam Behind Twitter Hacks

Everything You Need To Know About The Bitcoin Scam Behind Twitter Hacks

THELOGICALINDIAN - Last night the Twitter accounts of above celebrities affecting abstracts and politicians were afraid to advance a Bitcoin betray Due to how abounding followers these highprofile accounts accept account and rumors advance like wildfire

But what absolutely went bottomward that led to accounts like Joe Biden, Kanye West, Bill Gates, Apple, Bitcoin, and several others to be hacked? Here’s aggregate we apperceive so far about the drudge and the hackers abaft the audacious cryptocurrency scheme.

Twitter Accounts Of Bill Gates, Kim and Kanye, Elon Musk, Joe Biden And More: HACKED

In the backward hours of the black aftermost night, several Twitter users anticipation they had begin an befalling of a lifetime. The brand of Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Kim Kardashian West, and endless added celebs offered a sum of Bitcoin as a way to “give back” to the association due to the pandemic.

All Twitter users had to do was accelerate a sum of Bitcoin to a BTC wallet, and they’d accept bifold the bulk back. If this sounds too acceptable to be true, that’s because it is. You additionally may accept heard of this blazon of betray before.


Twitter scams of this affectionate aren’t aberrant and generally use above celebrities’ likenesses to do so. However, this is amid the aboriginal times anytime recorded area absolute absolute accounts were involved, and never afore has this happened at such scale.

Over 300 actor followers are said to abide beyond the accounts compromised, but that cardinal is aggressive as added capacity appear in.

Twitter bent wind of the bearings and put a stop to it quickly, abrogation the scammers with aloof over 12 BTC to appearance for their atrocious efforts. But how did this appear in the aboriginal place?

How Did The Bold Bitcoin Scam Begin And End?

According to advice from Y Combinator alum and aegis able Haseeb Awan, the hackers were able to admission access to a hidden Twitter dashboard. They accustomed the login in barter for $2,000 afterwards affair the Twitter agent in a Discord gaming channel.

The hacker again replaced the email addresses associated with anniversary above annual and removed two-factor affidavit from the annual settings. This gave the hacker abounding ascendancy over the accounts.

What they did abutting was column three different BTC donation addresses. A fourth, XRP abode was additionally given.

The capital abode raked in over $120,000 over 375 transactions, according to data from Chainalysis. The added and third accounts aloft $6,700 accumulated beyond 100 transactions. No funds were beatific to the accepted XRP abode at this time, and the blockchain analytics close is requesting advice on any added accounts that may be angry to the scam.

Chainalysis says that Twitter has back blocked the adeptness to column BTC addresses on the amusing media platform. Chainalsys is alive carefully with its barter to clue bottomward the funds.


Several cryptocurrency exchanges are additionally demography accomplish to block any funds from actuality beatific to the wallets, attention users who haven’t yet accomplished its a scam.

Something isn’t abacus up, however. Either the hacker bootless miserably to monetize their circuitous and chancy scheme, or the acumen for the arrangement wasn’t financially motivated at all.

Twitter and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin accept appear beneath blaze from the Trump administration. Conspiracy theories advance that the move was ideological, aimed at demography bottomward Bitcoin or Twitter and bidding recourse from the United States.

We may never acquisition out the accurate action abaft the massive scam, but we do at atomic accept some faculty of what happened in the aboriginal place.

The account has additionally afflicted BTCUSD, which began falling from its bound trading ambit aloof beneath resistance. Trump and the White House responding to the account could account a added selloff, so crypto investors should be accessible for annihilation to appear this week.

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