From The Ground: Devastating Problems With The Chivo Wallet

From The Ground: Devastating Problems With The Chivo Wallet

THELOGICALINDIAN - During Bitcoin Week letters of the Chivo Wallet burglary peoples Bitcoin accomplished a boilerplate admirers Salvadorans accept been ambidextrous with the affair and advertisement it to tech abutment for a while after abundant luck The all-embracing influencers that afresh visited El Salvador accept a abundant added admirers and they are actual assured that they apperceive how to assignment the wallets So they are abiding its a abstruse affair The Chivo Wallet is not alive as it should

Related Reading | From The Ground: The “Bitcoin In El Salvador” Documentary, What Did We Learn?

Will the abuse accept a absolute result? Will President Bukele’s aggregation advance in improvements to the Chivo Wallet and training for the tech abutment personnel? We absolutely achievement so, and Bitcoinist is accomplishing its allotment by advertisement on the issue. Not aggregate is activity calmly with El Salvador’s alteration to the Bitcoin standard. And we’re actuality for the good, the bad, and the ugly. 

The Chivo Wallet Ate My BTC With Découvre Bitcoin

In the aboriginal two videos, we see the accomplished transaction. The Découvre Bitcoin aggregation was apparently filming it for a feel acceptable adventure about a Lightning payment. They concluded up with a “short adventure on how bad the chivo wallet is.” The transaction goes through and the Bitcoin leaves the Breez wallet they were using. It never alcove its destination.

The adventure is prevalent. The acknowledgment is hilarious. “This has happened to abounding bitcoiners I batten to actuality at Adopt21 and the acknowledgment from the boutique buyer is consistently the same: “Just alarm breez wallet chump account for a refund.” How bad does the Bitcoin apprenticeship in El Salvador has to be for they to accord that answer? The chat “abysmal” comes to mind.

“Jokes aside, is it due to a abridgement of bounded apprenticeship that best el salvadorian accept no clue what they are accomplishing with Bitcoin. Chivo bread to chivo bread is accessible back it’s aloof a centralized balance transaction.” Here, we accept the issue’s aboriginal characteristic. The Chivo Wallet works accomplished back interacting with added Chivo Wallets, but it gets into agitation back any alien wallet comes into the equation. 

Then, we can apprehend bisected of the chat with Chivo abstruse support. Which doesn’t help.

Unsatisfactory Resolution

“At the end I had to pay in cash, I accept a admission with Chivo chump abutment for a acquittance of $14.35 or 22k sat, allowance we get those aback are appealing low, but if the chivo abutment aggregation manages to amount it out it will be amazing.” So far, the Découvre Bitcoin Twitter annual hasn’t appear a refund. The CEO of Breez wallet sums it up nicely, “Lightning works, Chivo doesn’t.” And Découvre Bitcoin puts addition allotment of the puzzle, “Some of our amount amount is accuracy and aggravating to abide accordant amid all Bitcoin wallets. And yet Chivo is an complete atramentous box.”

In the replies to this viral thread, dozens of bodies accuse about their Chivo Wallet experience. Nevertheless, the best absorbing animadversion comes back a bearding user asks Blockstream’s Samson Mow “can you amuse nodge Nayib Bukele for a comment.”


Mow answers “Will see.” Did he do it? Blockstream absolutely had an accessible band with the president, as Bitcoinist reported.

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Horror Stories With Zender

If you anticipate what the abundance buyer said in the antecedent adventure was bad, delay until you apprehend what tech abutment said to Zender. But first, context. “You all heard the abhorrence belief of Chivo wallet but I accept the best. Paid $125 for a banquet and funds went out of my Phoenix annual but never accomplished their chivo wallet. Had to pay with banknote to achieve the bill.” The bearings is the same, but the dollar bulk is decidedly higher. 

What’s a being to do in this situation? Try as they ability to get their BTC back, of course. “Decided the abutting day to alarm the english abutment band of chivo. After answer the bearings they said, I kid you not, these exact words: “Please alarm Lightning to balance you.” Wow. The apprenticeship botheration is added than we thought. Remember that this is the Chivo Wallet tech abutment we’re talking about here. Imagine the blow of the population’s akin of ability about Lightning.

“Didn’t get the money aback alike to this day. Guess it’s a donation now. Bitcoinbeach wallet on the added duke is abundant better.” That’s acceptable to know, at least. However, Zender identifies addition botheration appropriate away. “Now my better pet annoyance of this acquaintance is that best LN wallets (bitcoinbeach and chivo and others) appearance the antithesis of the boutique or the aide whenever I capital to tip or pay the bill. This is unacceptable from a aloofness point of view.”

The cilia closes with a feel-good story, acknowledge God. “Was at Point Break Coffee Shop in El Tunco and accustomed the bill and accomplished for my wallet and the aide said “No, we’d adopt acquittal with Bitcoin”. That fabricated my day. There is a new apple out there.” So, not aggregate is lost.

Related Reading | From The Ground: Salvadoran Tells Us Exactly What’s Going On In Bitcoin Country

It’s a process. And that’s the botheration with breaking new ground. The beat nation of El Salvador will get there, eventually. The Chivo Wallet will improve, hopefully, eventually than later. And Bitcoinist will be there to accompany you this and all the belief that no added crypto advertisement is covering.