Hackers Double Down On Bitcoin Demanding $11m In Latest Ransomware Attack

Hackers Double Down On Bitcoin Demanding $11m In Latest Ransomware Attack

THELOGICALINDIAN - Reports accept emerged that hackers were paid 11 actor in Bitcoin afterward an advance on JBS USA Holdings a meatpacking close that food 15 of the countrys meat

Following the contempo Colonial Pipeline drudge debacle, which aloft doubts on the story’s legitimacy, assemblage are watching this latest cyberattack with wariness.

Hacker Group REvil Demanded Bitcoin

Analysts say the JBS advance is allotment of a new abhorrent targeting capital account providers, including hospitals, carriage operators, and oil refiners. Previously, hackers tended to focus on data-rich operations such as retailers and banks.

The JBS CEO Andre Nogueira said he aboriginal became acquainted of the advance aboriginal morning Sunday, May 30. Staff abreast him of irregularities with the company’s servers. Further analysis angry up a bulletin ambitious a bribe acquittal to achieve ascendancy of systems.

Nogueira contacted the FBI and ordered arrangement shutdowns to apathetic the advance of the attack. Forensic assay bootless to appearance how the hackers managed to acquisition their way in. But the FBI has affianced the advance on a hacker accumulation accepted as REvil.

Consultants administering the accretion cautioned Nogueira that the hackers may still accept access. They recommended continuing negotiations.

Nogueira said he accustomed the bribe acquittal in Bitcoin to assure his close from added disruption and abbreviate the appulse forth the accumulation chain.

Colonial Pipeline Story Doesn’t Stack Up

JBS wasn’t the alone high-profile cyberattack in contempo weeks. The Colonial Pipeline hack, which occurred in backward April, was amenable for abolition ammunition food beyond the East Coast.

Since then, the FBI claims to accept recovered best of the 75 Bitcoin ($4.4 million) bribe paid to the DarkSide hacker group. However, a abridgement of capacity surrounding the case in accepted and oddities in the adventure accept led to allocution of conspiracy.

Most odd was the accretion of allotment of the Bitcoin, with letters claiming the FBI recovered 63.75 BTC. At the time of the announcement, the FBI banned to accord capacity on how they accomplished this. It after emerged they had seized a billow server that stored the Bitcoin wallet’s clandestine keys.

This again raises questions on why the FBI recovered alone allotment of the BTC. And why an accomplished hacker accumulation would abundance Bitcoin clandestine keys on a billow server and after added protections.

Some accept explained the amateurishness as an abecedarian “bad actor,” who apprenticed DarkSide to accomplish the hack. The Bitcoin recovered represented the “bad actor’s” portion, admitting the missing butt was DarkSide’s cut of the spoils.

Given that the Bitcoin arrangement is a accessible balance and somewhat hemmed in by KYC on/off ramps, it’s camp that hackers aren’t authoritative activity easier for themselves by ambitious ransoms be paid in Monero.

Speculation exists that this was a adulterated to discredit Bitcoin, not alone as a apparatus for abyss but additionally as an unsecure abundance of value.