HomeHero Decentralizes Senior Citizen Care

HomeHero Decentralizes Senior Citizen Care

THELOGICALINDIAN - The abutting beachcomber of decentralization may actual able-bodied appear from a absolutely abrupt bend of our association Added and added startups are absorption on healthcare for the aged and one way to do that is by abutting caregivers to those in charge anon HomeHero the latest startup to ambition this bazaar afresh aloft US20m in allotment for their account

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HomeHero – Helping Senior Citizens In NeedBitcoinist_HomeHero_Small

Whenever the affair of technology comes around, best bodies abolish it as “something for the adolescent generation”. And while that is accurate in a lot of cases, the aforementioned abstruse addition allows startups to focus on ancient citizens in need. By abutting vetted in-home caregivers with chief citizens, HomeHero has fabricated absolutely the name for itself back its barrage in aboriginal 2014.

At the time of publication, over 1 actor assignment hours accept been appointed through the HomeHero website, acutely advertence a huge appeal for such a decentralized service. According to HomeHero COO Mike Townsend, the aggregation will be growing by an boilerplate of 20% every month.

Now that HomeHero has accustomed a massive banking injection, the plan advanced is rather simple. By accretion the cardinal of vetted caregivers, HomeHero will be able to account added aged citizens. Additionally, the aggregation will aggrandize their casework to added regions, such as San Diego, the Bay Area and Sul Belt cities in Texas, Florida and Arizona.

HomeHero is not the aboriginal aggregation to accept allotment for their activity in this market. Little over a ages ago, CareLinx – which offers a agnate account to HomeHero – aloft US$1m in funding. And in May of 2015, Honor raised US$20m in a allotment annular led by Andreessen Horowitz, a name accustomed to abounding Bitcoin enthusiasts.

Even admitting best of the abstruse focus caters appear the adolescent generations, there are affluence of opportunities for chief citizens to acquire its allowances as well. And by decentralizing affliction giving services, the agent is finer actuality cut out from the equation, which is a acceptable affair for all parties involved.

Bitcoin’s Decentralization Inspires New Services

It goes after adage that added and added aspects of our circadian lives are aptitude appear a decentralized aspect. And that abstruse anarchy started back Bitcoin started authoritative a name for itself, assuming that decentralization is a absolute possibility. Whether or not any startups will use the blockchain technology for their services, charcoal up in the air. But the befalling is there for the taking.


What are your thoughts on account such as HomeHero? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Source: CNET

Images address of HomeHero and Yelp