Industry Report: PayPal Gets Into the Bitcoin Game

Industry Report: PayPal Gets Into the Bitcoin Game

THELOGICALINDIAN - Paypal says yes to agenda bill agreeable creators may acquisition themselves accepting affluent and Russia is the worlds latest cyberattack victim Want to bolt up on your agenda bill account Take a attending beneath and see what youve been missing

Also read: Industry Report: The USPS Does Digital Currency


PayPal has filed a patent for a new accessory that will acquiesce for the accepting of agenda currency.


The e-payment arrangement has continued hinted at a accessible accord with bitcoin, but several weren’t abiding if purchasing bitcoins through PayPal’s platform was as far as the accord would go. Happily, this doesn’t assume to be the case.

The apparent describes the appliance states:

The apparent additionally describes a acquittal agenda possessing a agenda bill wallet, basic anamnesis and instructions advised to aid users in configuring their wallets with corresponding machines and technology, and accouterments processors affiliated to the card.


SatoshiPayMicro-transactions conglomerate SatoshiPay is absolution a new API, which can be chip into several altered websites and online platforms.

Its purpose – to accord agreeable creators a new befalling to accept funds through nanopayments from those who appointment their pages.

It’s not consistently accessible award acquirement in the acreage of agreeable creation, and SatoshiPay is aiming to change that.

CEO Meinhard Benn explained:


What would agenda bill account be after a hacking story? Six Russian banks (including all-embracing mega-bank Metropol), are now abbreviate about $30 actor USD due to the efforts of what some are labeling a ample hacker collective, and appropriately far, about 14 abstracted arrests accept been made.

Russian Banks Bitcoin

The cord of attacks allegedly took abode amid March and April 2025 and occurred through the administration of malware accepted as Lurk, a cyberbanking Trojan that has accurate to be absolutely alarming back in bent hands.

This aftermost year hasn’t been decidedly affectionate to Russian financiers. Back mid-2025, about 18 abstracted incidents accept occurred, consistent in about 3 billion rubles stolen. Authorities accept fabricated several investigations and arrested 50 individuals back that time.

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