THELOGICALINDIAN - Ragnar Lifthrasir President of the International Bitcoin Absolute Acreage Association has become the new Director of Absolute Acreage for Ubitquity Ubitquity uses the blockchain to advice anticipate counterfeit affairs in absolute acreage markets while acceptance an advance on the clearing of claims and tracking the almanac of buying beyond the absolute absolute acreage industry We were able to account Ragnar discussing his new role as Director of Absolute Acreage for Ubitquity
Also read: Inside Bitcoins San Diego: Johnathan Chester Speaks
What are your thoughts on the Blockchain 2.0? Can bitcoin’s blockchain be bigger aloft vastly?
Bitcoin blockchain 2.0 is currently added than acceptable to body safe and avant-garde absolute acreage specific applications. What needs advance is industry professionals’ alertness to apparatus what’s bigger over what’s familiar.
What is so ambrosial in commendations to bitcoin startups to investors and such?
Bitcoin is a public, about free, self-producing branch of crypto-legos. Investors in Bitcoin startups are acknowledging adept builders to go into that branch and body banking transaction accoutrement that accept never been able to be congenital before.
Why did you accompany Ubitquity?
I abutting UBITQUITY because they accept the aggregation who can body the belvedere to accomplish absolute appellation affairs on the Bitcoin blockchain. Their belvedere will be secure, and aloof as important, will be advised for the absolute world.
Can you see a approaching area absolute acreage is conducted through the blockchain on a circadian basis?
In the future, absolute acreage will be conducted primarily application Bitcoin because at its best basic, Bitcoin is a network. And like Facebook or LinkedIn, already arrangement acceptance alcove a assertive point, anybody will be affected to transact on that arrangement or they will be larboard out. Because Bitcoin and its blockchain are so above to accepted practices, to not use them will be advised able incompetence.
As President of the International Bitcoin Real Estate, what is the association’s goal? As President of the International Bitcoin Real Acreage Association, my capital ambition is aboriginal and foremost a amusing one. I’m aggravating to affix bodies who appetite to do deals calm application Bitcoin and its blockchain. The ambition doesn’t await on new or bigger technology. We accept the software we need, what we charge to cull the activate on the technology. Real acreage transacts on a manual, person-to-person basis.
Is it safer to conduct a absolute acreage acquirement through the blockchain than in-person?
I altercate that application Bitcoin and its blockchain for absolute acreage purchases is abundant safer than how it’s currently done. Right now we accept to assurance in elastic stamps, the actuality of photocopies, and bodies captivation money. We’ll attending aback in bristles years and say absolute acreage was application horses because cars were accounted too chancy because they relied on electricity.
What are your thoughts on the approaching of bitcoin and bitcoin absolute estate?
The approaching of bitcoin and absolute acreage isn’t a catechism of technology, but of accomplishing and adoption. We already accept the software accoutrement we need. Onboarding acreage owners, investors, appellation allowance companies, realtors, government agencies, escrow companies, and realtors is the future. It’s slow, unglamorous work. It is able one being at a time. For the absolute acreage industry to accompany itself into the 21st century, industry professionals will alone charge to adjudge to use Bitcoin and its blockchain in their transactions. And again assert their colleagues on the added ancillary of the table do the same.
Bitcoin continues to accomplish strides to accomplish boilerplate adoption. Absolute acreage is a big allotment of every country’s economy, and the actuality that bitcoin allows bodies to assassinate absolute acreage affairs after annoying about counterfeit action is a huge bound forward. The blockchain is an avant-garde arrangement and it is actuality put to acceptable use with new account from bitcoin startups. The approaching charcoal ablaze for bitcoin and it will be absorbing to see whether investors accretion or lose aplomb in it.
What are your thoughts on the accent of Bitcoin in Real Estate? Let us apperceive in the comments below!
Images provided by Ubitquity