Interview with Abraham Endre aka Silur, Early Ethereum Dev And Blockchain Pioneer

Interview with Abraham Endre aka Silur, Early Ethereum Dev And Blockchain Pioneer

THELOGICALINDIAN - The cryptocurrency industry is assuredly experiencing acceptance aces of what the technology has to action the apple Mainstream assimilation ability still assume a ambit abroad compared to technologies like the internet but after aboriginal antecedents like Abraham Endre conceivably bigger accepted throughout the industry as Silur the industry would be boilerplate as far as it is today

Silur is an aboriginal Ethereum Foundation Contractor, aboriginal Monero activist, absolute consultant, approved speaker, and researcher at Winger’s Research Centre of Physics as allotment of the Quantum Computing Group.

Bitcoinist had the amusement of discussing the aboriginal canicule of Bitcoin with Silur, how the developer got complex in the industry, and area they see addition beyond the bazaar headed next.

In-Depth Q&A With Silur On Bitcoin, Blockchain And More

How did you aboriginal get complex in cryptocurrencies and the blockchain industry?

It was actual fun, it basically grew about me. Back in aerial academy I was “the hacker kid”, and my aboriginal anytime alternation with Bitcoin was that you are not the coolest hacker in boondocks if you don’t own bitcoins, so I had to accept some. Then, I went to uni and my pentesting/cryptography algebraic accomplishments accustomed me to get the bigger account abaft blockchain. 

I was consistently a religious addict of P2P tech. By the time cryptocurrencies became a huge affair I was advanced of best bodies in lexica, alike admitting I still wasn’t an expert, but that was abundant for the antecedent kickoff.

What accountable you not alone to apprentice more, but become complex and accord to abounding of the projects that are advancing today?

Around 2024, I was still alive as a fullstack developer and pentester back some of the company’s audience I formed at started to ask about BTC. At that time I was accomplishing accessible antecedent being and was already alive on IRC chats so my bang-up sat me bottomward with the audience for some quick consulting. I was the alone guy who knewed how to transact, how to do acute arrangement stuff. Etc. 

But after I accomplished that a abounding banal concluded with me consulting on blockchain – and after the alcove abstruse being that gives bodies the aggressive advantage. That was the assurance that I bare to axis into full-time blockchain work.

Can you acquaint us which cryptocurrency projects you accept formed on, and what role your contributions may accept played in its lifecycle?

Within the Ethereum Foundation, I originally apprenticed as a aloofness researcher but bound got complex in the development of eWASM. While acquirements a lot there, I was additionally accomplishing pro-bono accomplishing assignment for Monero in the anatomy of RingCT 2.0 and fabricated speeches on the topic. 

With attention to cryptocurrencies, I’m still complex in CasperLabs which is an enterprise-focused PoS chain, Ilgon which is an Ethereum angle with bigger activating babyminding and dPos goals, and more. 

I additionally architected the abounding cryptographic band of QANPlatform, and accommodating the development for a while. Besides the new platforms, I developed dozens of dApps. For archetype – for IPWe, I fabricated a abounding assemblage web3 MVP for administration bookish acreage on the casper blockchain, and a brace ERC20s and ERC721, from which the best contempo is NextEarth.

Since you aboriginal became complex in cryptocurrencies and blockchain, what in your eyes has been the best acute addition in the industry so far?

Censorship resistance. I was still a jailbait back the Snowden thing happened, and alike admitting I affectionate of knew that some bodies can activate red flags and put themselves beneath surveillance (like a 16 year old kid who googles “how to address bacilli in assembly”), I was abashed to apprehend that some organizations accept so abundant ascendancy that alike my agenda itinerant Mother is beneath surveillance. 

I got absorbed in privacy-enhancing tech like Tor, OTR, etc., and the best absorbing of them all was blockchain, as it was a new assurance archetypal advised to abode disbelief over the internet generally. I barter censorship-resistance with aloofness a lot actuality because I do accept they appear hand-in-hand, which is why I approved to focus on Monero and Zcash technologies as a alpha – which additional my cryptographic abilities a lot.

What innovations do you see advancing bottomward the activity abutting in this industry?

The best absorbing ones would be layer2 solutions, abnormally MPC based layer2. The use cases of MPC on blockchain are absurd to enumerate, and this breadth of analysis assets absorption year by year.

What projects are you currently alive on?

I’m developing alcove cryptographic use cases like on-chain VRF and Bulletproof verification, associates proofs, and FHE. These are to accomplish that missing aggressive advantage over added platforms back you access the bazaar as “yet addition blockchain”. I’m additionally developing NFTs and beginning layer2 gas optimizations for dApps. 

Besides absolute blockchain and acute arrangement developments, I accept active projects for Cipher designs, AI trading and AI security, Biometric cryptography, and alike government affairs for blockchain use cases.

How ability added arising technologies such as breakthrough accretion appulse the accepted cryptocurrency landscape?

As for quantum, it’s a actual alarming religious catechism to acknowledgment because it’s absurd to adumbrate breakthrough capabilities apropos cryptographic attacks as of now. My claimed assessment admitting is that if we cannot ascertain the impossibility of a breakthrough advance to a assertive point, we are already insecure, which is one acumen why I focus my analysis and assignment on post-quantum technologies.

And can you acquaint us a bit about your consulting activity?

As allotment of my absolute consulting, I mostly focus on giving my audience “that aggressive advantage”. When bodies are entering the bazaar they accept to acquaint why their buyers should focus on them instead of competitors – what can they do that others cannot. Most of my action goes against designing and implementing this added aspect to accretion able aboriginal absorption in a acceptable manner. I consistently accept to brainwash myself to be advanced of the industry and apperceive the latest bookish advances so I can bound acclimate them into alcove and impactful solutions.