Interview With Yakpimp CEO of Crypto Chips, Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Poker Chip Maker

Interview With Yakpimp CEO of Crypto Chips, Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Poker Chip Maker

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies accept opened up new opportunities for all sorts of businesses and bodies who appear with the concepts for them One of the businesses that accept sprung up is Crypto Chips which are poker chips in a array of altered agenda currencies Entrepreneurship comes in abounding forms and Crypto Chips is addition abundant archetype of it The Bitcoinist was able to account the architect of CryptoChipsnet Yakpimp from cheep and in the forums

What fabricated you adjudge to accomplish Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency poker chips?

I was sitting at my board one day cerebration and capital to be able to comedy with article in my duke to get my artistic juices flowing. I was into Dogecoin at the time, but the alone advantage was a metal bread that anybody and their mother seemed to have. I wasn’t a huge fan of the design, so I absitively to accomplish article on my own. I fabricated the aboriginal accumulation aloof for me, but back the association on IRC saw them they all capital some too. One affair led to another, and actuality I am with bags of chips on my dining allowance table, and my wife allurement me what the heck I am doing.

What has been the better claiming authoritative the chips?

Packing. I apperceive it sounds crazy, but candidly packing up chips takes added time than annihilation else. I accept been manually acid dent sized holes in agenda for weeks now. Interestingly enough, I aloof begin an another today which should be a huge advance over my duke cut holders. Look for a new packing in the abutting brace weeks. Other than that the action is appealing simple, get a design, lay it out nicely, and book some chips.

The poker chips are produced application a Ceramic Polymer Composite and bang abstraction process. This action agency no stickers to abatement off or abrasion away. The affection is actual good. They accept a abundant feel to them. The cartoon are accomplished and appear in abounding bill with added added regularly. Some of the bill for auction are Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Darkcoin, Razorcoin, Vertcoin, Blackcoin and so abounding others.

How has Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies afflicted your life?

I never absolutely had a amusement before. Honestly I never accepted bodies who did accept hobbies. It turns out my amusement was crypto currencies, and I aloof didn’t accept until I begin it. I wouldn’t say it afflicted my activity as abundant as accepting affiliated or accepting children, but you apperceive what doesn’t deathwatch me up at 2 in the morning…? Poker chips!

What new things can we attending advanced to from your business?

I’ve got some partnerships in the works that are activity to add a few new articles to my site. One of them is advancing forth nicely, but I can’t say annihilation about it. I acquisition it’s added difficult to accumulate secrets to yourself back it’s article absolutely cool. The added big affair that is advancing is concrete wallet chips! I’ve been talking about it for months and I assuredly did a affidavit of abstraction with a scannable QR cipher categorical into the chip. These are activity to be actual accepted I think. Offline algid accumulator on a concrete token.

Are you activity to be abacus a new types of commodity to your business added than poker chips?

I’ve got a brace things planned. I mentioned beforehand a accord with some absorbing parties in the crypto space, that and some new abounding Bitcoin sets for Christmas time will be a nice addition. Unless I alpha affairs potato chips, I’m not abiding abundant abroad will accomplish faculty on though.

What are some of the challenges you accept had active and Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency business?

Originally I anticipation acquittal processing would be difficult, I absorb several nights disturbing with advancing up with a action to use alone wallets per order. I anticipation I’d end up falling aback to a acquittal service, but eventually I got aggregate alive and haven’t had any problems. I acquire abounding altered currencies now, although Dogecoin and Bitcoin are by far the best accepted acquittal method. I abstruse my assignment with Paypal the adamantine way in the beginning. I had an alone about-face some accuse on me, and it fabricated me feel ailing that bodies were so backbiting and terrible. That’s why I don’t acquire Paypal anymore. Turns out accepting Bitcoin is abundant acknowledgment anyway.

Anything you would like to add?

Just appetite to accomplish abiding bodies accept that I’m consistently up for authoritative new and custom chips. If a aggregation wants some chips made, I alone ask for a pre-order of 10 to accomplish abiding they are serious. I’d abhorrence to accomplish a agglomeration of abortive chips that cipher wants. Anyone can email me with requests at [email protected]. Also acknowledge you to anybody who has ordered from me. I adulation seeing pictures of your chips on cheep @yakpimp.

Crypto Chips is accession accomplished business in the Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency industry. The poker chips can be purchased with a array of agenda currencies. They are a abundant accession to your poker table or as collectors’ pieces. It will be absorbing to see what bill he makes next. An action to watch for sure.