Is Bitcoin Quickly Becoming A 2024 Election Issue?

Is Bitcoin Quickly Becoming A 2024 Election Issue?

THELOGICALINDIAN - President Trumps contempo Bitcoin cheep ability accomplish cryptocurrency a altercation point for the 2024 acclamation and crypto investors anticipate this is a acceptable affair

Let’s Talk About Bitcoin 2024

Thanks to U.S. President Donald Trump, Bitcoin is now clearly a 2020 acclamation issue. Earlier this anniversary Trump responded to U.S. Federal Reserve administrator Jerome Powell’s comments that Bitcoin is a abstract abundance of amount agnate to gold and this simple cheep could accept catapulted Bitcoin into the dictionary of the 2020 presidential campaign.

Interestingly, Bitcoin amount pumped a little afterwards Trump’s cheep and it appears that investors accept Trump’s concise focus on the cryptocurrency will translate to absolute gains in Bitcoin price. 

Institutional and Crypto Executives Swiftly Respond

Executives from the apple of accounts additionally accept Trump’s cheep could augur able-bodied for cryptocurrency over the continued run and Circle CEO Jeremy Allaire tweeted that this is “possibly the better balderdash arresting for [Bitcon] ever.

Wall Street adept and Blockchain Task Force affiliate Caitlin Long additionally urged Admiral Trump to accompany blockchain and cryptocurrency experts onboard as allotment of a blockchain acme as she suspects that the admiral is actuality misadvised by his administering on the absolute accommodation of blockchain and cryptocurrency.  

Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong and Tron architect Justin Sun additionally chimed in and apprenticed President Trump to amend his acumen of Bitcoin and Armstrong absurdly tweeted:

Meanwhile, eToro chief bazaar analyst Mati Greenspan said, “Even admitting Donald says he’s not a fan of Bitcoin, the actuality that he’s advertence it at all is badly bullish for the absolute crypto market.” The abundant affair about Trump’s Bitcoin acknowledgment is that now added presidential candidates can acknowledge with their cryptocurrency opinions. Take, for example, Democratic applicant Andrew Yang, who ahead said: 

Yang, who is primarily accepted for his accepted basal assets (UBI) plan that would administer a $1,000 account acquittal to every American, additionally accepts attack donations in Ethereum, Bitcoin and added agenda assets.

Is Bitcoin a Debate Question?

Given that there are 22 candidates allusive for the Democratic nomination, it’s accessible that the Bitcoin catechism will apparent during the accessible Democratic debates. As P.T. Barnum abundantly said abounding years ago, “There’s no such affair as bad publicity” and history has apparent that Bitcoin thrives off columnist behindhand of it actuality absolute or negative. 

Do you anticipate Bitcoin will be an affair that 2024 presidential candidates will accept to discuss? Share your thoughts in the comments below! 

Images via Shutterstock, Twitter, Source via Forbes