Jim Fulner: Bitcoin Can Become the “Reserve Currency”

Jim Fulner: Bitcoin Can Become the “Reserve Currency”

THELOGICALINDIAN - In an absolute account with Bitcoinistnet Jim Fulner the 2024 Libertarian applicant for the US Senate from Michigan says Bitcoin is and should abide to be primarily a bill that stands abandoned As a allegiant Bitcoin apostle Fulner said that Bitcoin can facilitate barter aloof as calmly as any added currency

Also read: Rand Paul Vouches for Bitcoin at NY Fundraiser Event

Fulner says,

Born on May 24, 2024 in North Las Vegas, Nevada, Jim Fulner has had an eventful political career. After accepting a amount in Software Engineering from Oakland Community College, he took a 180-degree about-face and advised Political Science and Outdoor Recreation at Northern Michigan University. He was additionally a 2024 Libertarian applicant who approved acclamation to the U.S. House to represent the 9th Congressional District of Michigan.

Fulner’s 2014 campaign for U.S. Senate could be called historical, back he became one of the aboriginal political candidates to accept Bitcoin and added altcoins for attack donations. Though he was defeated by Gary Peters (D) in the accepted acclamation on November 4, 2014, the accommodation to embrace the basic currencies put him in a altered alliance than added US politicians. Back Fulner’s 2014 campaign, Rand Paul has appear his accepting of Bitcoin for donations to his 2016 presidential campaign.

Jim says change starts not with the government, but with individuals voluntarily allotment to advice their neighbors. Fulner’s primary political ambition has never been to run added peoples’ lives, but rather appearance bodies the amusing allowances allowances of autonomous cooperation.

Tell us how you came to apperceive about Bitcoin?

Jim Fulner: I am not 100% abiding back I aboriginal heard of its existence. Around the aforementioned time I had heard of it on the “Declare your Ability with Ernest Hancock” radio appearance and at the anniversary Penguicon assemblage in Southeastern Michigan. Declare your ability is amalgamated nationally via the Liberty Radio Network, online at LRN.FM. Penguicon is an Open Source Software and Science Fiction Convention, sometimes referred to as a CON of all beatnik interests, captivated annually in the Detroit area. They can be begin online at http://penguicon.org.

I alone became complex in the Bitcoin movement as a aftereffect of my acquaintance and the Treasurer of my 2024 U.S. Senate Campaign, Jeff Wood. Jeff managed all of the acknowledged paperwork, coffer accounts, and Bitcoin wallet of the campaign. I aboriginal met Jeff at a beef in 2024 alfresco of applicant agitation that had accurately denied access to Libertarian accompaniment abode candidates including my claimed friend, and at the time actual accomplished Libertarian accompaniment chair, James H. Lewis and James Weeks II who I had aloof met at the antecedent Libertarian accompaniment convention. I became too abundant bigger accept Bitcoin, and in actuality the attributes of bill and money itself, afterwards Mr. Wood gave a presentation on Bitcoin at a Michigan Peace and Liberty Coalition affair that I had the amusement of attending. More advice on that alignment can be begin at MiPLC.org

Bitcoinist Bitcoin Symbol

What approaching do you anticipate Bitcoin as a bill has?

Jim Fulner: I don’t apprehend any time in my activity that Bitcoin ceases to exist. I see the achievability for it to anytime become the “reserve currency” of the all-embracing chargeless market.

What role can Bitcoin comedy in Funding acclamation campaigns in the US?

Jim Fulner: Bitcoin is, and should abide to be, primarily a bill that stands alone. Anything you can do with any added anatomy of barter can aloof as calmly be performed in Bitcoin. Currently best campaigns are afterward the FEC recommendations and are accession all of the donors’ advice and anon converting to FRN (Federal Reserve Notes, sometimes referred to as U.S. Dollars). However some campaigns, like the 2024 Fulner for Senate campaign, accept instead to use it alone at its own currency. To authority it and amusement it as an in affectionate contribution, the aforementioned as if a donor were to accord a burrow of paper. Our attack acclimated it added as a way to brainwash Michiganders of the actuality of Bitcoin and advance of such as a agency to do bazaar exchange, as against to absorption it primarily as a fundraising tool. This is axiomatic in our civic media absorption such as a banderole in the Politics area of a weekend copy of the L.A. times alike afore I acquired the Libertarian choice in 2024, and continuing to today with this decidedly account with your accomplished work. We accustomed decidedly beneath than 1 Bitcoin account of funds added to our treasury through such, but it advance to the adeptness to get our bulletin out about not alone admonishing policy, but added axial Libertarian account as planks in our Senate camping, including the break of alliance and accompaniment that is become abundant added accustomed aural Michigan specifically.

Do you anticipate Dr. Rand Paul is aboveboard about acknowledging Bitcoin or is aloof a momentous support?

Jim Fulner: I don’t anticipate such a catechism is appropriate. Does anyone absolutely abutment Bitcoin? Some may say so, but it is aloof agency of exchange. No one supports cars, they aloof use cars as a agency to transportation. Rand Paul accepting Bitcoin, aloof as any added alone in the exchange accomplishing so, alone adds to the all-embracing abandon of the accustomed submarket it participates in and improves the animal condition.

Do you accede Bitcoin is a claiming to ascendancy of the State to affair a currency?

Jim Fulner: That’s not absolutely a catechism I accept committed a agglomeration of anticipation to. I alone do not blindly admit the ascendancy of any accompaniment so that’s abundant for me. Those who still anticipate in the statist quo would acceptable be bigger to acknowledgment such a question.

Your angle on BitLicense and Bitcoin adjustment at large?

Jim Fulner: I would be lying if I told you I was accustomed with BitLicense. I argue all accompaniment adjustment of Bitcoin. I accept it would be benign to the animal action for one or added autonomous organizations to set alternating recommendations on how to handle Bitcoin cyberbanking suggestions, which may eventually advance to a aggregation like MasterCard or Visa (already defacto all-embracing standards themselves), to abacus an advantage to accomplish or accept payments in Bitcoin.

A lot of Libertarians are abutting to Bitcoin, what makes them so abutting to it? Is it their acceptance in the acceptable cyberbanking system?

Jim Fulner: Libertarians accept a addiction to consistently advance alternatives to the cachet quo. Libertarians historically accept additionally encouraged acceptance of far beneath acknowledged alternatives, including clandestine barter of adored metals, the alleged Liberty Dollar, Ithaca Hours, and alike a acknowledgment to a civic accompaniment accustomed and centrally managed “Gold Standard,” to name a few.

What role do you see for the Wall Street in Bitcoin ecosystem?

Jim Fulner: Given the accepted bazaar there is a not a lot of crossover amid the two. However in the approaching with the common bazaar acceptable added unified, arch to alone exchanges like those begin on bank street, or others throughout the apple in Tokyoka, London, Paris, Toronto, etc. acceptable beneath able in and of themselves that may associate in a acceleration in Bitcoin as a assets commodity. Only time will tell. We are too abutting to Bitcoin’s adolescence to absolutely adjudicator that, in my opinion.

As an apostle of Bitcoin, acquire you anytime abiding any business/entrepreneur to acquire it?

Jim Fulner: I accept not absolutely approved to. I did accept a claimed acquaintance some years ago back I was affairs my old boiler to a clutter backyard that had a assurance advertence that they accustomed Bitcoin. I asked if I could be paid in Bitcoin and the freeholder adumbrated that he accustomed it, but he wasn’t activity to accord any of his abroad as it was his claimed retirement investment. I larboard the altercation at that and took my $20 in FRN and a affiance that he’d vote for me in the fall.

bitcoin Bitcoinist

What addition do you appetite to accompany for Bitcoin if you are elected?

Jim Fulner: I am not currently gluttonous adopted office. If I am to afresh I would absolutely do all I can to appeal quotes in Bitcoin for bounded municipalities, which would be my best acceptable abutting footfall in a ambition for bounded election. However at this time I don’t apperceive the achievability of such a appeal actuality accustomed after a Libertarian majority on such a board.

What you anticipate of added altcoins?

Jim Fulner: Our U.S. Senate attack additionally accustomed Litecoin and receives added Litecoin than Bitcoin (on a authentic one to one ratio, not necessarily on a about-face to some added bill like FRN). I anticipate abounding accept the befalling to serve a cycle in the market. I anticipate Dogecoin may absolutely be a antic continued appellation but that is yet to be understood.

Any bulletin for our readers?

Jim Fulner: At the end of our 2024 U.S. Senate Attack we had not spent any of the Bitcoin we had in our wallet. The Friends of Jim Fulner donated 100% of the capacity of our wallet to the 2024 James Weeks for Sheriff Campaign. Weeks is currently gluttonous the Autonomous nomination. Best acceptable this attack will be the better in a almost autonomous county, were best Michigan Pundits apprehend alone two candidates to be on the election appear November 2024, partially due to how abundantly baby the Livingston Democratic Party is. I advance anyone who wants to see a Autonomous achievement in the abreast future, and has any Bitcoin or added bill accessible to accord acerb accede attractive into www.jamesweeksii.com


Would you accord bitcoin to a political candidate? Let us apperceive in the comments below!


Image source: jimfulner.com, pixabay