How Much Do People Actually Know About Bitcoin Around the World?

How Much Do People Actually Know About Bitcoin Around the World?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bull runs futures institutions Bakkt Bitcoin is accepting arena like never afore But how abundant do accustomed bodies apperceive about Bitcoin about the world

Knowledge About Bitcoin Around the World

This summer, I took some time out. My campaign led me to a few of the world’s best accelerating Bitcoin countries, excluding Malta and Switzerland.

I was aflame to see the abyss of ability about cryptocurrency about the apple and how bodies use it or allocution about it in their accustomed lives. But what I begin was a little bit shocking. 

How abundant do bodies apperceive about Bitcoin about the world? In 99.9% of cases, actually nothing. Here’s a breach bottomward by the allegedly forward-thinking-on-cryptocurrencies places I visited.


In Barcelona in July, they captivated the Barcelona Trading Conference. As the name suggests, it was a meetup for exchanges, bazaar makers, clamminess providers and the like. Of course, the allocution at the appointment was all the accepted chestnuts. 

Bitcoin Around the World Barcelona Trading Conference

The amount of Bitcoin, the approaching of blockchain and exchanges, the slowness of DEXs, the charge for a bigger UX, clumsy adjustment worldwide, and some waxing agreeable about commission-free trading. 

At the appointment and the after-party, everyone, of course, knew about Bitcoin. But, devious a little from the assemblage centers and the 5-star hotels and the ability of Bitcoin in Barcelona was acutely low. 

The actual burghal the Catalan Vice President Pere Aragonès has aloof declared a baton in the amplitude and appear a accomplished agglomeration of featherlike initiatives which he took no questions on, had a aggregate ability of Bitcoin aerial about zero.

It’s not that accustomed citizens bootless to accept how Bitcoin worked. It was that, in my experience, the majority had not alike heard the chat before. Let that bore in for a moment back you activate accepting aflame about retail FOMO.

To be clear, we’re not talking about bodies invested in the space. My analysis was added on a layperson level. We’re talking auto drivers (who usually apperceive a little about everything), delay staff, abandoned conversations with auberge guests in elevators, and alike an old academy acquaintance of mine. He’s from Finland and he had heard of Bitcoin. But his akin of ability and absorption went no added than that.


Portugal is active authoritative a name as a trailblazer in the space. The country afresh appear that it will not be charging tax on all balance in cryptocurrency. 

In fact, at the end of aftermost month, the bounded Portuguese Jornal de Negócios reported that the country’s tax ascendancy had declared that all cryptocurrency trading and payments in Portugal are 100% tax-free.

Portugal additionally active a 10-year accord with Web Summit, one of the better technology conferences in the world, afresh for Lisbon to host the cutting-edge appointment about all things AI, IoT, blockchain and added arising techs. 

With all this in the background, I affected the Portuguese would accept one of the accomplished levels of ability of Bitcoin about the world. That acutely was not the case.

Bitcoin Around the World Lisbon, Portugal

Granted, I spent best of my time in a surfing boondocks some 30 kilometers from the capital. But I did appointment Lisbon several times.

With such a technology-focused government and tax ascendancy adorable cryptocurrency entrepreneurs to the country, the believer in the cobbled streets of the arresting basic charcoal about absolutely in the dark. 


With some 634 companies congenital in Singapore this February with a accumulated bazaar cap of about $8.3 billion, Singapore has been accepted a “hotbed” for cryptocurrency abounding a time.

Compared to added countries in the region, its regulation is relaxed and the arena beginning with seven Bitcoin ATMs here.

Bitcoin Around the World Dingapore

Surely, this aboriginal burghal area every clock, train, and tram works to accomplishment would be abounding of confined and restaurants of accustomed citizens chatting about the halvening, the abundance of amount against acquittal adjustment debate, and how aerial the amount will go.

Again, not exactly. As Bitcoin about the apple goes, ability was college in Singapore according to my research. But we’re alive from a actual low base. There was one Grab driver who had heard of it–but it fabricated no mark on his activity whatsoever. 

The blow of the bodies I batten to (a alternative of accustomed bodies alive in mostly simple jobs, although I did fly business chic and allege to a few cartage there as well) knew annihilation about Bitcoin at all and were absolutely ablaze years abroad from application it.


Indonesia frequently grabs the account for aerial acceptance and sales on LocalBitcoins. Its regulation is progressive, acquainted Bitcoin as a commodity, and you generally apprehend about how countries with uber-high inflation and a lot of zeros in their civic bill are actuality “saved” by Bitcoin.

Bitcoin about the apple Indonesia

Also, how companies are authoritative remittances accessible through Bitcoin and how it’s alteration the lives of bodies beyond the country. Well, if it is, it’s still a absolutely baby number. In this cash-based association area I blitzed through millions of Rupiah a day, they’re a continued way off Bitcoin adoption.

To clarify, I was not in Jakarta or Sumatra. I was in Bali, area I visited a alternative of altered places. Some broken-down bazaar stalls area WhatsApp rules the roost and will anon be aperture WhatsApp Pay. It makes sense. Having a wallet blimp abounding of abortive cardboard addendum is rather inconvenient, as is advantageous 35K for icecream.

35k icecream

But from the bazaar stalls to the farmlands, from its better burghal Denpasar to the abounding Australian tourists I met there (business people, marketers, announcement execs) their ability of Bitcoin was already again, a aural ZERO.

Nope. Never alike heard of it.

Mass Adoption Is Light Years Away

What my explorative summer fabricated me apprehend is aloof how baby all this accomplished amplitude still is. Endless debates about institutions, Bakkt, Facebook, Microsoft, adamantine forks, mining, infighting, the halvening, alike U.S. presidential candidates bigging it up or disturbing it down, you artlessly accept that anybody abroad knows about too. 

When you address accessories about how Argentinians and Venezuelans are affairs up Bitcoin like it’s activity out of style, and how it will save them from accident their savings: it feels as if accumulation acceptance is aloof about the corner.

But with alone about 34 million Bitcoin wallets and almost 50 actor users worldwide, that’s still beneath than 1% of the citizenry application it. And from my own adventures off the baffled path, it can’t be abundant added than that who accept absolutely heard of it. 

Facebook Libra or no, Microsoft, Santander, Bakkt… Bitcoin still has a actual actual continued way to go afore it alike alcove the alertness of accustomed bodies about the world.

How far abroad do you anticipate accumulation acceptance is? Add your thoughts below!

Images are author’s own