Mastercard VS Bitcoin Speech Analysis: What’s Actually Being Said

Mastercard VS Bitcoin Speech Analysis: What’s Actually Being Said

THELOGICALINDIAN - A assistant emailed me the articulation of this promotional video from adept agenda He asked me to accord a able assay of this video because he finds that added writers do not accept that cold accommodation as an bookish accomplished man or woman will appearance back autograph an article

Most of these kinds of videos authority added advice than aloof what is actuality said. We did one about the Bill Gates interview a brace of months back. The adjustment of the speaker, the environment, the being that is absolutely accomplishing the talking, the background, etc. all accept a acceptation and are a accidental agency in bulletin delivery.

Set-up: afore the speech

The aboriginal affair that is accessible to anybody is the big assurance of Mastercard in the background. This is a 2 bend message: 1) the logo, adjustment etc. gives the apostle the air of ascendancy and is speaking for mastercard. 2)  Regardless what is actuality claimed, the apostle will alone do what is best for Mastercard, not its barter (unless they are abundant weights). This is added embodied by the micro-expressions back the apostle is cogent the admirers that “We at mastercard accept the best interests of our barter and mastercard users at heart”. Granted micro expressions are a actual adamantine affair to actuate and aren’t consistently accurate, about in this case it is, abnormally if one looks at the tone, the setting, the message, etc.

Another account that is important is the setting. This “rant adjoin Bitcoin” is set in a white environment. White is a acceptable blush that signifies “purity” in about every association in the world. For this case it signifies that “mastercard is a accurate business that is safe to use”, which is addition little “white lie” on the allotment of Mastercard.

There are other, added circuitous signs, which I will not go into detail (video angle, position apostle vs mastercard sign, etc), but let’s move on to the apostle shall we? The apostle is smartly dressed and appears to attending accurate at a aboriginal glance. From the dejected anorak to the, afresh white shirt and a bit colourful tie that carefully resembles the blush arrangement of Mastercard; aggregate is lined up to access the eyewitness afore annihilation is actuality said. This is aloof a “mise-en-scene”, like best of these so alleged “warning”, “cautionary”, or like I like to alarm them “rant videos in a nice suit” are composed.

We can achieve that this accomplished “mise-en-scene” is an attack to actualize an air of “authority”, “respect”, etc. to accord added weight to what they are activity to say in the video. This is according to the theatre back they are ambience up the ambiance with the backdrop so that all one charge now is the amateur to booty the stage. So let the “spectacle” begin, or in this case the video which is the aforementioned thing.

 What is announced after adage a word?

Some bodies ability think: “What is he talking about”? The acknowledgment is body language. Note that the speakers arch isn’t attractive beeline at the camera but angled bottomward a bit. This is a beneath ascendant aspect and can be beheld as actuality “truthful”. It is the “ I am confessing that I ate a cookie back you are gone” posture, which implies that he or she is activity to accompaniment things truthful. I would accord an A for the abstraction but an F for execution.

Other micro expressions are back the apostle is talking about Bitcoin. You can see the attenuate adenoids flare, the appropriation of the aperture (though it is adamantine to see) back talking about Bitcoin, etc that is actual ailing hidden.  These are all indicators that the apostle is absolutely disgusted by Bitcoin and agenda currencies and what they angle for.

The purpose of this video and what is actuality said in the anatomy accent is equally, some ability say added revealing, than what is actuality said. Body language is actual adamantine to affected and as you watch the video articulation about anatomy accent you will see aloof why that is. Now the absolute purpose is to portray Mastercard as a “goods, able reliable business”, in a faculty self-promoting the business. This is done because for over added than a year, the banks and others in the banking area are aggravating to accept Bitcoin and the blockchain technology.

This video has acutely been recorded at altered time periods, as you can see back attractive carefully at the speakers’ beard, the alteration lights and positions of the spots on the speakers face, etc. Also the accentuation is so absorbing to hear. “the SECURITY” the apostle accurate already at time basis 2.30 was so acutely coached.

 What is actuality said in the video

The charge of assurance and aegis is ascendant back you put some new acquittal adjustment on the market…. Bitcoin is alone apperception on the anonymity of its users”.

Very accurate and yes some web sites accept had aegis issues but NOT Bitcoin itself. Of advance there accept been slight adjustments and advance corrections but that is the aforementioned with every company. Hell alike the aerial and boss Sony with their accomplished aegis has been afraid on break (from the Playstation arrangement to the latest hacks that allegedly actuality affiliated to Sony’s accessible movie about the North Korean leader)

Furthermore the apostle implies that Bitcoin isn’t safe or is article shady. Seriously that ball and song has been activity on a while now after giving absolute affirmation that backs up those claims. Let’s see how abounding times mastercard accept appear breaches of their servers or drudge attacks. It is the internet/cyberspace, area annihilation is absolutely safe. Now if you could use some accumulator accessory to save abstracts and abstract it back affairs accept been done. Wait Bitcoin already has this in the anatomy of algid accumulator devices. Some of these accessories you charge to accept assorted keys to admission the stored account. So on assurance Bitcoin and assertive algid accumulator accessories accept a leg up.

Like usual, the critics absence the accomplished blockchain idea. It is OPENNESS and bigger anonymity than one has in the cyberbanking apple or back application mastercard. Every transaction is registered on the Blockchain and appropriately every transaction it is searchable. As such there isn’t anonymity as actuality “entirely anonymous” but it is added like actuality semi-anonymous or partly anonymous. This agency that if addition absolutely wants to analyze through the affirmation that they may acquisition your BTC abode and attending up your transaction on said BTC address. Users can apparatus added aegis and anonymity by application assorted tools, like a vpn for example, which ability adumbrate your accurate location.

What is this “intrinsic value” the apostle is talking about? Well built-in amount has a brace of meanings. The first is: “The absolute amount of a aggregation or an asset based on an basal acumen of its accurate amount including all aspects of the business, in agreement of both actual and abstract factors. This amount may or may not be the aforementioned as the accepted bazaar value. Amount investors use a array of analytic techniques in adjustment to appraisal the built-in amount of balance in hopes of award investments area the accurate amount of the advance exceeds its accepted bazaar value.

For example, amount investors that chase axiological assay attending at both qualitative (business model, governance, ambition bazaar factors etc.) and quantitative (ratios, banking account analysis, etc.) aspects of a business to see if the business is currently out of favour with the bazaar and is absolutely account abundant added than its accepted valuation”.

The second one is: “For alarm options, this is the aberration amid the basal stock’s amount and the bang price. For put options, it is the aberration amid the bang amount and the basal stock’s price. In the case of both puts and calls, if the corresponding aberration amount is negative, the built-in amount is accustomed as zero.

Intrinsic amount in options is the in-the-money allocation of the option’s premium. For example, If a alarm options bang amount is $15 and the basal stock’s bazaar amount is at $25, again the built-in amount of the alarm advantage is $10. An advantage is usually never account beneath than what an advantage holder can accept if the advantage is exercised.”

Now I anticipate the apostle wants us to baffle us with adorned words that accomplish no faculty back anecdotic Bitcoin. Bitcoin isn’t a aggregation or a allotment that is accord in out by “the Bitcoin company”. In the simplest agreement Bitcoin is a bill that is decentralised. It isn’t run by a country or an institution, but by the association itself, with a nice flash to the “we the people” speeches.

Now addition delusion is that currencies are stable. Every bill has fluctuations, a cardinal of altered factors that are in play, aloof as we saw aftermost anniversary with the rouble. Besides ambidextrous in stocks, shares and bolt like I accept you appear to realise that annihilation is absolutely “stable”. Furthermore Bitcoin, like added agenda currencies, is a currency. This agency you can use it to acquirement items from vendors, advance it in start-ups, etc. basically you can do the aforementioned things with Bitcoin as you can do with added currencies. However Bitcoin is altered because it is: abundant faster, is worldwide, safe and defended (for the best part), not controlled by an “institution” or government, allows for artistic innovations to booty place, is transparent, a autonomous bill in every faculty of the word, etc.

Now you can additionally altercate that our salaries, the items we buy on amazon or alibaba are additionally actuality paid with basic currencies, be it euros, roubles, dollars, and added currencies are additionally agenda currencies. What I beggarly by that is that there isn’t a “real bread or banknote “involved that you booty out of your concrete wallet and accord it to the amazon or alibaba agent so you can aces up your item(s).


So  are you acceptance to us all that mastercard is “dropping the ball” a bit back alone 15% is application a acclaim card? Maybe that is because mastercard is aloof charging so abounding percentages that it isn’t assisting for businesses?  Shouldn’t you putting a bit added accomplishment in accident ascendancy and announcement your aggregation instead of aggravating (and failing) to advance Bitcoin?

Recent bookish studies acquire apparent that about 45% of the apple citizenry absolutely uses acclaim cards, which leaves 55% or the majority of the apple citizenry that doesn’t use any acclaim cards. A brace of the capital affidavit that are accustomed why is that acclaim cards are decumbent to be stolen, hacked, etc and it does booty a actual continued time to ameliorate your absent money. Addition acumen is that if a business doesn’t acquire acclaim cards ( I apperceive some baby and ample businesses akin actuality in Europe that absolutely do not acquire mastercard transaction) and you acquire to pay banknote for the accessories you appetite or go and boutique elsewhere. Yet addition acumen is that some acclaim agenda terminals are so big-ticket to appoint or to buy and the helpdesk, back faced with problems, are added ambiguous that absolutely helpful.

When advisers asked the bodies that do not use a acclaim agenda some responded with” it is a artificial card. I can’t buy annihilation with that. I pay with banknote and that is the end of it. I do not appetite to get some bill at the end of the month”. For these bodies the built-in amount or the accepted amount of a acclaim agenda is 0.

The additional allotment of the claims that “Bitcoin is angry and not what it seems to be” and afterwards that aggravating to extrapolate Bitcoin characteristics to mastercard is a abject and is a assurance that mastercard is accepting desperate. But not to anguish the bluster gets progressively worse afterwards that.

“Cash is the basis of aggregate actionable adumbral etc”. Yes agreed banknote has been and consistently will be affiliated with bent behaviour. Not because it is article that you can blow and feel but because it is a currency, a accurate acquittal method.  Credit cards are additionally actuality acclimated to buy drugs, bent activities, acknowledging government accustomed alarm attacks, etc. The aforementioned can be said with chunk ( attending at the claret diamonds), emeralds, adored metals, etc. Actionable activities aren’t absolute to concrete or agenda acquittal methods; it is imbedded in every acquittal method. Let us not balloon who were the instigators of the banking crisis and those bodies acclimated agenda currencies (in the anatomy of euros and the brand to alteration van one annual to others) and concrete currencies as well.

Now we are catastrophe the assay actuality because the applesauce and inaccuracies activate to assemblage up absolutely heavily so we are activity to jump to the cessation allotment of the analysis. Otherwise thsi commodity will abide to cool to annoying proportions.


The capital purpose of this video is to acquaint bodies not to use Bitcoin or added agenda currencies, regardless  that best of our money and pay analysis and coffer accounts are digital. However mastercards video fails to allure their audience, at atomic on youtube. Only 34 bodies gave a “thumbs up” while about 1500 bodies gave a “thumbs down” vote.

The basal acumen is that mastercard is activity the actual hot animation of the Bitcoin dragon in its close and they are concerned. Best of their appraisal on Bitcoin/digital currencies (though the apostle and mastercard do not apperceive the distinction)is apropos “security, transparency, reliability, trust, etc. Everything Bitcoin and the Blockchain technology angle for, as do best of the added agenda currencies like Litecoin and Dogecoin if we should name a few.

The actuality that best banks accept been attractive into the Bitcoin and blockchain phenomena for over a year now hasn’t gone unnoticed. The banks do not appetite to lose their barter to the antagonism and they assuredly realise that addition charge be on the advanced folio in adjustment to accumulate their abode in society.

Furthermore Blockchain and agenda currency, admitting one ability altercate that mastercard is additionally “digital bill based because no absolute concrete bill or banknote are actuality exchanged in affairs back aggregate is digitally processed, accept bright advantages over the already accustomed money alteration systems and acquittal methods (like western Union and acclaim agenda operators).

So the absolute acumen is that these companies feel threatened and the options to these companies are limited. On the one ancillary you accept the cyberbanking arrangement that is badly analytic to amend their hopelessly age-old systems to a added avant-garde way of accomplishing business. These companies can either: advance and try to argue the arrangement of banks that “their way is still the safest way” (mainly by absolution these videos and added media stunts like allotment Bitcoin with bent organisation they “found” or some such aged attempt)

Now the poor apostle and his clean-cut accent that we absolutely besmirched will be cerebration “whoa that dude has a actively pissed off at me”. The actuality is I’m not pissed off and I do sympathise with your situation. A acute man affected to accept amid a bedrock and a adamantine place. You could accept banned to do the video but the aggregation would not accept looked favourably at that decision. So you let yourself be acclimated as a baby while mastercard is affairs your strings. Clearly aggregate was orchestrated to discredit agenda currencies in accepted and Bitcoin in particular.

We apperceive that mastercard isn’t a bad aggregation and that the speaker, Mr. Matthew Driver, is apparently not a bad animal being. Now we do not accept that Mr. Driver is adage these things out of his own chargeless will. his expressions aback speaking screams out: “I don’t appetite to say this but I must”. Its either that or he was in a big evil-smelling room, which is awful unlikely.What makes bodies acknowledge is the actuality that video’s like this are a bribery of the facts. Most of these statements are aloof unconfirmed. Shouldn’t it be bigger to absolutely drive your credibility through on the how, the why, etc. you acquisition that Bitcoin and added agenda currencies are what you say they are? Maybe accede some affirmation to aback it up, which requires acceptable studies on the accountable and maybe again you will see what Bitcoin and agenda bill is all about.

On a closing note, we at Bitcoinist, acceptable mastercard or Mr Mathew Driver to sit bottomward with us and do an account with us. This could be educational for both parties and a chat and the acquirements action can get started up. bodies abhorrence what they do not understand. Only by educating and alms advice that abhorrence will ebb away, or like the Latin byword goes: Scientia vincere tenebras.