Mobile Vikings: a Belgian company that accepts Bitcoin.

Mobile Vikings: a Belgian company that accepts Bitcoin.



Who or what is Mobile Vikings?  They are a corpuscle buzz abettor like Base, Vodafone, T-Mobile but accept way bigger deals to action their customers. Mobile Viking casework are accessible in Belgium, The Netherlands and Poland. However they are an avant-garde aggregation and are attractive for oportunities to expand. Every time a chump recharges his or her acclaim on their acute phone, they accept assorted “goodies” so to speak.  These items Mobile Vikings barter accept are substantial. Mobile Vikings barter receive:



It seems a abundant accord right? Chargeless this and chargeless that every time you recharge but it gets alike better. You can recharge with Bitcoin (yes you can additionally pay with coffer alteration and added acquittal options)! We acclimated this aftermost night to recharge our Mobile Vikings. It was acutely fast. On their armpit Mobile Vikings told us that it would booty 10 account or added to get your Mobile Vikings agenda recharged. With us it took alone 4 account so it was lighting fast, like the Vikings of old.

There is additionally a appropriate account area you can alone recharge your abstracts usage. This can be alone bought. We bought it and it was 12€ for 2 gigabyte. We acclimated it back we were in London for the central Bitcoins conference. It formed like a charm.

Every one of the recharge aliment will aftermost for 1 ages so you can watch tv, sms, alarm and cream on the net as continued as you appetite (or as continued as your chargeless aliment last). We looked at abounding added providers in and about Belgium but best of them told us that “ they could not action the aforementioned bales as Mobile Vikings”. So Vikings accumulate up the acceptable work!


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