Norwegian Man Stabbed to Death After Conducting Bitcoin for Cash Trade in Person

Norwegian Man Stabbed to Death After Conducting Bitcoin for Cash Trade in Person

THELOGICALINDIAN - An adverse man in Norway was murdered over what appears to be a Bitcoin barter gone wrong

P2P Gone Wrong?

What appears to be a barter gone amiss has resulted in the adverse accident of a activity in Oslo, Norway. Local Norwegian media aperture TV 2 appear account of the annihilation on Monday morning. The grizzly cutting occurred in the 24-year-old’s accommodation in the upmarket Oslo adjacency of Majorstuen.

Authorities accept the abomination took abode amid 7:50 am and 12:10 pm bounded time afterwards the man was murdered either during or afterwards a accessible in-person barter of banknote for bitcoin (BTC) [coin_price]. One of the deceased’s attached apparent the anatomy and authorities are accounted to be cartoon a articulation amid the cutting and two added bent events.  Oslo, Norway

An Isolated Incident?

Anonymous sources aural the Oslo badge administration appropriate that the barbarous cutting took abode appropriate afterwards the victim completed a banking transaction. However, the administration is afraid to say whether or not the victim was murdered afterwards a Bitcoin trade. Grete Lien Metlid, the arch of intelligence and investigations assemblage at the Oslo badge department, explained that detectives were attractive into a tip apropos a agnate event, but she chose not to accommodate added capacity on the matter.

Currently, the badge accept not apprehended any suspects and argumentative analysts are administering an analysis at the victim’s apartment.

Perhaps decentralized exchanges will annihilate the charge to conduct in-person crypto exchanges. What are your thoughts on this issue? Share your thoughts in the comments below! 

Images address of Shutterstock.