Porn Ransomware on Android Does Not Demand Bitcoin Payment

Porn Ransomware on Android Does Not Demand Bitcoin Payment

THELOGICALINDIAN - A new blazon of ransomware has been brought into apportionment and it is targeting adaptable accessories active the Android operating arrangement There are a few hoops to jump through afore ones accessory is adulterated but this new blackmail is a primary affair for adaptable users However the bribe does not accept to be paid in Bitcoin for a change

Porn Ransomware Makes The Rounds On Android OS

Bitcoinist_Porn Ransomware Android

This accurate new blazon of ransomware works in a rather abnormal way, as affected argument letters are beatific out to Android users all over the world. In the bulletin anatomy of these texts, there is a articulation to an developed website, which users can appointment to download a video file. Once the user has done so, their device’s awning is locked, and a ransomware bulletin is displayed.

But there is more, as this ransomware uses the smartphone camera to booty a selfie of the accessory owner. Moreover, the message on the awning additionally mentions how the amusing arrangement of the owner, as able-bodied as bounded authorities, will be alerted apropos this being browsing the Internet for adolescent pornography. All of these texts are displayed in Russian, which alone adds to the all-embracing confusion.

Trend Micro, who apparent this porn ransomware on Android a few weeks ago, acclaimed how the malware has ambition Russian Android users for the best part, although it has advance to eleven countries in absolute so far. According to the company’s information, 3,400 accessories accept been adulterated with this malware to date.

It has to be said, however, that this adaptable porn ransomware ache is authoritative the user jump through assorted hoops. Not alone do they charge to appointment the armpit mentioned in the argument message, but additionally download a file, which asks to install an app. During this accession process, the appliance asks for ambassador rights, which the user has to accept manually. Most Android-savvy users will amount out what is activity on able-bodied afore any absolute accident is done.

Once a user has been adulterated with this porn ransomware, they can restore admission to the Android accessory by advantageous the ancient fee of 1,000 Ruble. Failure to do so would beggarly all of the encrypted abstracts is removed from the ransomware c&c servers, and all of the advice will be beatific to the authorities aural 12 hours afterwards actuality infected.

Paying this bribe will not be done through Bitcoin, which is rather abnormal in the ransomware business these days. Instead, the message makes agenda of the VISA QIWI wallet and includes a adaptable buzz cardinal users accept to accelerate a argument to, as able-bodied as the acquittal advertence they should use.

What are your thoughts on this porn ransomware targeting Android users? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Source: Tweakers (Dutch)

Images address of Shutterstock, Tweakers