Programmer Gets 16 Months Jail Time for Bitcoin Laundering Scam

Programmer Gets 16 Months Jail Time for Bitcoin Laundering Scam

THELOGICALINDIAN - Yuri Lebedev an immigrant from Ukraine was bedevilled to 16 months of bastille for his role in a Bitcoin betray that acclimated an actionable Bitcoin barter Coinmx for bed-making money for a all-around hacking ring

No amount how acute or advantageous a bent is, they usually end up adverse the continued arm of the law. The latest perpetrator to face amends is Yuri Lebedev, a Florida programmer who had emigrated to the US from Ukraine as an barter apprentice back he was 16. Now he’s actuality sentenced to 16 months in bastille for his role in a Bitcoin betray featuring the actionable exchange,

Yuri Lebedev is 39, married, and the ancestor of three children. He’s additionally the tech authority abaft, an actionable Bitcoin barter that authorities say apple-pie money for a all-around hacking network. The cloister begin that Yuri Lebedev did not absolutely acquit any funds himself or be alone complex in any hacking, but he was begin accusable of ambience up and advancement the actionable exchange.

The accumulation abaft targeted banking and publishing firms, such as JPMorgan and Dow Jones & Co., to abduct chump data. They again targeted millions of victims to spam “pump and dump” penny banal schemes. The cryptocurrency they accustomed for their attacks was again apple-pie through the exchange.

Yuri Lebedev had set up an arrangement of servers to action the transactions, which were bearded to banks as restaurant commitment accuse and online purchases of collectible items in adjustment to be adapted into cash. The absolute abettor of was Anthony Murgio, who was sentenced to 5 1/2 years in prison. The man abaft the hacking arrangement itself is Gery Shalon, an Israeli citizen, who was afresh appear from bastille afterwards accordant to pay a fine of $403 million USD.

As for Yuri Lebedev, he explained his allotment in the arrangement as absent to actualize “cutting bend technology” and body article “that would accomplish me exceptional.” He added that he “got agitated away.” However, he is advantageous in that he did not get the abounding ten years that he was facing.

It’s a sad aberration as Yuri Lebedev had done a lot to advance his lot in life. He was built-in in Russia and aloft in Ukraine. He was alone by his alcoholic ancestor back he was 8 and aloft by his mother, who was a scientist. He came to the US as an barter apprentice back he was 16. He accelerating from Valdosta State University with degrees in physics and computer science, and he again went on to accretion a Masters in Science and Physics from Florida State University. As one could see, Yuri Lebedev is an acutely ablaze alone and absolutely didn’t charge to about-face to abomination for money.

An absorbing aberration on the federal case is that the adjudicator disqualified that Bitcoin is money. US District Adjudicator Alison Nathan ruled:

Do you anticipate that Yuri Lebedev blown his befalling by actuality allotment of a Bitcoin scam? Does such bed-making schemes arrest the added accepting of cryptocurrency? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images address of Pixabay, Flickr, and Public Domain Pictures.