PSA: Coinbase Referral Spam Exploits Bitcoin URLs

PSA: Coinbase Referral Spam Exploits Bitcoin URLs

THELOGICALINDIAN - Be accurate not to misspell the area of your favourite barter or crypto advice armpit the affairs are that itll alter you to Coinbase Registration Page No set your tinfoil hats bottomward Coinbase isnt aggravating to syphon cartage abroad from their competitors This is a adumbral absolute amateur aggravating to banknote in on their barometer affairs We accept the complete account of his endemic domains and capacity below

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Referral Spam Exploits Typos, Crypto Newcomers

Imagine you’re new to crypto, and you’re attractive for information. A acquaintance links you to, or afield types, or one of endless added typos to get you started on an exchange. You acreage on the allotment chat for Coinbase, register, alpha attractive at the charts, and anticipate annihilation of it. The botheration is – instead of activity to the ability that you originally intended, you end up at bread base, and the moment you buy bill on Coinbase or GDAX, the being active these domains gets paid for tricking you into registering there. This isn’t a new abstraction in abhorrent business – it’s alleged barometer spam, and addition is accomplishing it in spades for Coinbase referral cash.

301ReferralSpamSure, it isn’t ransomware or phishing, but this barometer spam tactic is ambiguous crypto newcomers and arresting users of afflicted sites, and it shouldn’t be acceptable aloof because it isn’t alfresco the law. Luckily, a simple WHOIS reveals the email affiliated to these domains is endemic by one “Duane Seamans.” This email is affiliated to no beneath than 54 alive domains, best of which are appropriate misspellings of,, and a bulk of added Crypto exchanges and resources.

Luckily, there’s a way to actual this. It’s not acceptable Coinbase takes attentive to barometer spam, and they accept an alive support email. If abundant bodies let them know, the spammer will get their privileges revoked. The Barometer URL actuality redirected to is, and the URLs are acquaint aloft for your accessibility if you are so inclined. (don’t annals at Coinbase until allowance your accolade afterwards activity there, unless you appetite to bolster this problem.)

Hate barometer spam and malvertising? Let us apperceive in the comments!

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