QuadrigaCX Auditor: Most of $150m in Lost Crypto Has Been Drained, What Does This Mean for Investors?

QuadrigaCX Auditor: Most of $150m in Lost Crypto Has Been Drained, What Does This Mean for Investors?

THELOGICALINDIAN - The QuadrigaCX altercation took a about-face bygone back Big Four Auditing Firm Ernst Young EY appear its Third Report of the Monitor that asserts that they accept articular six abstracted crypto wallets were acclimated to abundance the exchanges cryptocurrency

Unfortunately for active QuadrigaCX investors, the wallets did not accommodate any of the about $150 actor in cryptocurrency that is still missing afterward the afterlife of the exchange’s CEO, and the coursing for this missing crypto will abide on.

Ernst & Young: There Have Been No Deposits into QuadrigaCX Crypto Cold Wallets Since April 2024 

Aside from one careless alteration into one of the wallets accretion at beneath $500,000, the report claims that there accept been no deposits into the wallets back April of aftermost year.

“To date, the Applicants accept been clumsy to analyze a acumen why Quadriga may accept chock-full application the Identified Bitcoin Cold Wallets for deposits in April 2024, however, the Monitor and Management will abide to analysis the Quadriga database to access added information,” the address explained.

Importantly, besides a baby atom of cryptocurrency actual in the addresses, there is still able-bodied over $100 actor account of customer’s crypto still missing.

Furthermore, EY acclaimed that they accept appropriately far been clumsy to ascertain why the six wallet addresses had chock-full actuality acclimated by the exchange, but that they would abide to analysis their abstracts sources in adjustment to accumulate added advice on area the funds were actuality directed to.

“The Monitor has fabricated inquiries of the Applicants as to the acumen for the abridgement of cryptocurrency affluence in the Identified Bitcoin Cold Wallets back April 2024. To date, the Applicants accept been clumsy to analyze a acumen why Quadriga may accept chock-full application the Identified Bitcoin Cold Wallets for deposits in April 2024, however, the Monitor and Management will abide to analysis the Quadriga database to access added information.”

Ernst & Young did not altercate whether or not they apperceive about any absolute wallet addresses alfresco of the six above ones, and additionally did not altercate whether or not there are any algid accumulator addresses captivation cryptocurrency besides Bitcoin.

Could the Missing QuadrigaCX Funds Be Held on Various Crypto Exchanges?

Recently, a analysis address appear on the Zerononcense Blog claimed that they accept articular the wallet addresses area the barter was befitting their Ethereum, and that there is a “strong possibility” that there may be a cogent bulk of ETH actuality captivated on some above cryptocurrency exchanges, including Poloniex, Kraken, and Bitfinex.

According to the report, there may be over 600,000 ETH actuality captivated in wallets on these exchanges, and that the now asleep exchange’s asleep CEO – Gerry Cotton – may accept been affective the ETH to these exchanges while QuadrigaCX was operational.

“Based on the transaction assay included in the report, it appears that a cogent bulk of Ethereum (600,000 ETH) was transferred to these exchanges as a agency of ‘storage’ during the years that QuadrigaCX was in operation and alms Ethereum on their exchange… it is actual accessible that QuadrigaCX, the creditors, and added entities are blind of this discovery,” the Zerononcense Blog address explains.

Jesse Powell, the co-founder and CEO of Kraken, responded to the address on Twitter, answer that none of the above funds are actuality stored on Kraken, and added abacus that the achievability of these funds actuality captivated on exchanges is the “best achievement that QCX audience have” of anytime retrieving their absent funds.

“This is the best achievement that QCX audience accept — that Cotten was befitting applicant funds in added exchanges. Unfortunately, annihilation at Kraken. Hopefully, others are looking. Could be accounts were created beneath altered names so ability booty some absolute digging to find.”

Powell has been awful complex in the accomplished imbroglio back it aboriginal began, and Kraken aloof afresh appear a $100k compensation for any advice arch to the analysis of the missing funds.

“Kraken is giving up to $100,000 USD (fiat or crypto) as a accolade for the tip(s) that best advance to the analysis of the missing $190 actor US dollars. Can you advice us break the Curious Case of Cotton’s Coins?” The barter appear in a contempo tweet.

The absolute crypto association will abide sitting at the bend of their seats as the bearings apropos to the cachet and abode of the missing funds continues to unravel, but at this time the best achievement for investors afflicted by the bearings is acceptable that the missing funds are broadcast about on assorted cryptocurrency exchanges.

NewsBTC will abide to accompany you the latest developments apropos to the QuadrigaCX situation.