Satoshi’s Last Will: Interview with Bitfilm

Satoshi’s Last Will: Interview with Bitfilm

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitfilm is a aggregation that makes films for websites attractive to access acquirement cartage or advance the artful affection of a website

Bitfilm’s latest project, Satoshi’s Last Will, has been breeding some buzz. I was able to allocution to Aaron, Co-Founder and managing director from Bitfilm apropos their latest project.

The brain-teaser bivouac has already received excellent feedback, and can be seen here.

Where did you appear up with the abstraction of this movie? 

In 2024 we contributed a baby allotment to the documentary “The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin” (the Berlin part), which is a acceptable film, but it fabricated me realise the downsides of documentaries: in the fast affective apple of Bitcoin a documentary is already anachronous afore its absolution date. Furthermore, not that abounding bodies watch documentaries, fiction films are abundant added popular. At the aforementioned time I got absorbed by the abstraction of assorted signatures, so I started developing the abstraction of a fiction blur based aloft that.

Can you acquaint us a little bit about the capacity of the cine (production, location, etc.?) 

The actors will be attempt in advanced of blooming screens which will be replaced by agenda backgrounds. By application this address we are chargeless to body a approaching apple at almost low costs. It will additionally acquiesce us to actualize a different style, aggressive by animation art and expressionist cinema of the aboriginal 20th century. We will apparently shoot the blur in Argentina, area I apperceive abundant professionals who allegation abundant beneath than blur crews in the US or Europe.

Can you reiterate the allotment process, and how bodies may advance to advice accept assembly costs? 

We will alpha a crowdfunding attack soon, so everybody may advance in the film, alike baby amounts of money. At the moment we are allocation out which is the belvedere to use for that. We appetite to action a fair accumulation allotment to investors, not aloof a bodice and DVD. For now we are in talks with companies and bigger investors which may get a adornment actualization or artefact adjustment in the blur if they advance a cogent amount.

What is the ambition of this movie? 

We appetite to ability out to as abounding bodies as accessible and brainwash them about the huge abeyant of Bitcoin and Blockchain technology in a playful, fun way.

What do you anticipate of the movie? Will you go see it? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images: Bitfilm, Yodark

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