Snoop Dogg Learns One Reason Why Bitcoin Is Better Than Cash: Civil Forfeiture

Snoop Dogg Learns One Reason Why Bitcoin Is Better Than Cash: Civil Forfeiture

THELOGICALINDIAN - Calvin Broadus AKA Snoop Dogg recentlyhad addition appointment with European authorities This Saturday Snoop Dogg was taken by abruptness by the cyberbanking badge in southern Italy while accustomed 422024 in banknote an bulk which needs to be declared to be accurately transported beyond European Union borders It is accessible to brainstorm the all-embracing cyberbanking constraints that affected Snoop to accept to accept concert payments in banknote and again carriage them as such The adventure comes beneath than a anniversary afterwards the rapper was chock-full in Swedenon suspicion of biologic use and possession

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Snoop Dogg after argued that he was actuality racially profiled by the Swedish police. However, Swedish Authorities claimed he isn’t absolutely accepted for actuality drug-free so profiling was hardly required.

snoop-doggThe adventure happened appropriate afterwards his achievement in Calabria on Friday night when the artisan was advancing to biking to Britain area he was appointed to accomplish the abutting day at the Kendal Calling Festival.

The artist’s advocate declared that it was aloof an authoritative breach and that from a acknowledged point of appearance aggregate was clarified, aback the rapper was able to prove the money came from concerts he had performed about Europe. The Italian authorities gave aback bisected of the banknote while the added bisected was captivated (about $211,000) until the bulk of the accomplished was determined. Snoop Dogg, who had been touring Europe afterwards absolution the anthology Bush beforehand this year, will now accept to pay a accomplished and again he will be able to affirmation the blow of the money.

But what does all this accept to do with Bitcoin you ability ask? In fact, it doesn’t. But this accident itself can be acclimated as a absolute archetype on how Bitcoin could be acclimated to avoid this array of issues – If the rapper had had his $422,000 backing angry into Bitcoin he could biking anywhere in the apple after the absolute anytime accepting to be addressed by authorities. If Snoop Dogg kept $422,000 account of Bitcoin, he wouldn’t accept to acknowledge it to Authorities; and technically, in accomplishing so, he wouldn’t be committing any authoritative infraction.

And that’s area the accurate abeyant of bitcoin resides: it empowers the user to be his own Bank behindhand of civic and bill boundaries. It is the “killer app” for the travelling entrepreneur, and this accident seems to me like solid affirmation of the accurate abeyant that Bitcoin has for artists or for anyone who generally campaign beyond the world.

SnoopDogg_article_middleimage_BitcoinistBitcoin has so abundant abeyant and so abundant advanced use appliance that it is alpha to allure the concern of abounding artists. Some of them accept already accepted agenda currency. As an example, we can adduce Tatiana Moroz:

Tatiana Moroz is a acclaimed accompanist and songwriter who is paving the way for agenda bill to be acclimated in the Music Industry. She developed her own “Artist Coin,” called Tatiana Coin, and it is the aboriginal anytime artisan crypto “token” currency.  The Tatiana Coin is ushering in a new way of allotment artists, through a Bitcoin-driven platform, which involves admirers in a abiding accord with the artisan they accept to support.

Tatiana Coin, can be acclimated to retrieve all appropriate affectionate of items and abounding added such as autographed memorabilia, passes to advocate aggressive invite-only events, advocacy opportunities, abode concerts, concert tickets, and alike distinctively crafted, alone songs.

This shows the astronomic abeyant that agenda bill has to agitate alike the Music Industry itself. Now artists accept the adventitious to use the technology to armamentarium their assignment in a beeline affiliation with their admirers and backers.

And it’s not all about funding: there are amaranthine possibilities for Artists with this new technology as well. I candidly accept we will alpha to see added and added artists application agenda bill for a accomplished lot of purposes in the near future.

What do you anticipate Bitcoin can do for artists? Let us apperceive on the animadversion area below!


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