Third Key Solutions: Exclusive Interview with Andreas M. Antonopoulos and Pamela Morgan

Third Key Solutions: Exclusive Interview with Andreas M. Antonopoulos and Pamela Morgan

THELOGICALINDIAN - Third Key Solutions a new aggregation that offers consulting and cryptographic key administration solutions for companies application agenda currencies has aloof launched The Third Key Solutions aggregation consists of CEO Pamela Morgan CTO Andreas M Antonopoulos and Adviser Richard Kagan Third Key Solutions seeks to authorize customized solutions for companies ambidextrous with Cryptocurrency and to advance best practices for cautiously and deeply managing and autumn funds Multisignature wallets arent abundant companies charge to authorize operational practices which are defended and able-bodied planned Third Key Solutions specializes in this Andreas M Antonopoulos a actual able-bodied accepted man in the apple of Bitcoin and a aegis able partnered with Pamela Morgan to advance operational aegis practices which became the base for the barrage of the aggregation Richard Kagan a Silicon Valley administrator has partnered as a business adviser The aggregation clearly launched on March 31st 2024

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I had the amusement of speaking with Andreas and Pamela over a Skype alarm to apprentice added about the company, what Third Key Solutions provides, as able-bodied as the approaching affairs of the company.



Where did you get the afflatus for Third Key Solutions?

Pamela: My accomplishments is in law I’ve been advising startups for absolutely a while now. I’ve been alive in entrepreneurship education. And back I fabricated the move to Bitcoin I accustomed that there are a lot of similarities amid companies central and alfresco of the space, namely in that best bodies are apathetic with accumulated babyminding or don’t appetite to focus on it so as I started to get assassin by companies in the space, I started acumen that this was a charge aural all of these organizations. I’m a little bit unorthodox, so I started talking to them about things they didn’t have, like accumulated babyminding and accretion processes. That was basically the inspiration, alive with companies central the amplitude and acquainted the parallels amid those alfresco the amplitude and central the space.

How continued did it booty to architecture best practices that beat the Cryptocurrency Security Standard Level Three requirements?

Andreas: That can be answered in two ways. We started designing the operational practices and aegis practices for this about ten months ago back we started confined audience in the space. Now at the time, CCSS didn’t abide so I’d like to differentiate amid aegis best practices and a aegis acceptance accepted for those. We were implementing aegis best practices back CCSS came forth we basically looked at the accepted to see how we fared adjoin that, fabricated a few accessory adjustments, and mostly accepted that in actuality we were beyond CCSS akin three in all of our operational practices and now we are alive appear acceptance of that. So the acknowledgment is that we were accomplishing aegis best practices ten months ago, and we started attractive at CCSS three months ago to affirm that we were beyond those standards. I’m additionally a affiliate of the council board for CCSS so I had a role in reviewing the standards and in best cases deepening them with added participants in the committee.

Pamela: The alone affair that I can add to that is that aegis and best practices are ongoing, so we’re consistently absorbed in what’s accident in the space, who is accomplishing what, and how we can accomplish our processes better.


In your opinion, how important will the CCSS best practices be for the approaching of the cryptocurrency industry?

Andreas: I anticipate that it is absolutely important that we accept accepted industry practices that are able-bodied and cellophane and absorb or crave alien analysis and acceptance because what that does is it provides a baseline. I anticipate that bodies should not accede these standards as the acme of security, but artlessly the aboriginal rung on the ladder. These are things that companies should be accomplishing anyways. What the accepted provides is an industry-neutral technology aloof account that is based on what companies that are accomplishing things able-bodied in aegis are already accomplishing and about says that this is the everyman rung on the ladder and you should be aloft this. What it does is provides us with a way of barometer acquiescence with best practices and a way that companies that are advance in these practices can about appearance that advance by accomplishing certification.

What kinds of companies will account from alive with Third Key Solutions?

Pamela: We’re focused on what we charge to be, we’re not customer facing, we’re focused on accepting wallets and exchanges and all sorts of added companies like that. Really any aggregation that is operating with Bitcoin or addition cryptocurrency at its core. If you’re advantageous bodies in Bitcoin, if you’re application Bitcoin in operations, you should allocution with us, that’s my opinion.

Andreas: I’d like to add to that. All of the companies in the amplitude should be application the actual best technology appearance to apparatus security, that agency that Multisignature is not alternative it’s table stakes.You charge to be accomplishing these things. Multisignature has now been accessible for added than a year and a half; it’s broadly deployed it’s blamable for companies to not be application multisignature in this day and age. So the technology is there; the botheration is that technology is not enough. Added than 80% of aegis is about operational process, and so you can accept multisignature but some important questions arise. How do you accomplish the keys securely? How do you abundance them? Who has the keys? What’s the signing plan? What happens if you lose a key? What happens if addition drops their laptop in a pond pool? What happens if addition gets hit by a bus? These are questions that you appetite to ask afore you put this plan into play. Now to amount out how to assure these keys from accustomed disaster, theft, embezzlement, fraud, fire, flood, EMP, whatever it may be. These are boxy things to amount out because one of the big challenges is that aegis and advancement are generally adverse goals. So the best way to accomplish article airy is to accomplish lots of copies of it and put them everywhere while the best way to accomplish article defended is to lock it bottomward and use encryption and things like that and if you do one again you can’t absolutely do the other, it’s adamantine to acquisition the appropriate balance.
Now, the basal band is this: Best companies in this amplitude are too active active their business to accept the time to do this or to focus on this. So while they can expend the assets to do this, best companies don’t accept the time or the focus to do this right, and that’s area we appear in, we’re accomplishing aloof this, absolutely focused on analytic these problems.


What approaching affairs do you accept for Third Key Solutions?

Andreas: I’d like to alpha with some of the technology apparatus and some of the accomplice components. If you attending at the announcement, one of the things we’ve appear is a cardinal of technology partners. We’re a technology-neutral company. What we’re activity to do is to abide to innovate. Bitcoin moves actual fast, that agency that we’re activity to be applying new technologies all the time to break advanced of the game, whether that’s beginning signatures or hierarchical deterministic multisig or whatever abroad may appear bottomward the road, we’re activity to be attractive to bear the actual best to our clients. That agency alive with a lot of partners. We abide technology neutral, so we’re activity to be relying on all of our ally to antecedent all of the technology and abilities in that space. We’re activity to abide to innovate on operational aegis which is the amount of our business. Allotment of this is decentralizing the solutions. It’s abundant to accept one aggregation authority allotment of a key for recovery. It’s bigger to accept two companies or three companies, or four companies in assorted jurisdictions captivation shares of this key so that you broadcast the accident beyond assorted companies and jurisdictions. The key accretion arrangement that we appear as allotment of this barrage is a actual big allotment of our vision. Key accretion shouldn’t be centralized either. While Third Key Solutions never holds abundant keys to assurance transactions. We consistently accept beneath than m-of-n, we consistently accept a boyhood of the keys, we do not ascendancy funds or booty aegis of funds, ever. At the aforementioned time, alike that can be decentralized alike further. We’re alive with added companies in the space, key accretion and accumulator companies to decentralize the solutions and advice their audience advance their accident alike more.

Pamela: I anticipate our primary absorption is attention our audience and attention their customers, in that we accept that if we can advice adulterate the accident again it becomes a safer ecosystem for everyone. We don’t appetite to authority a accomplished key if we can advice it, we anticipate that alluringly with a key accretion network, we’ll be able to, as Andreas said, administer the accident amid jurisdictions, thereby authoritative the absolute ecosystem safer.

Andreas: And to analyze what we beggarly by that from a abstruse angle is alike if you’re accomplishing multisig, it’s bigger if you accept assorted companies captivation keys or genitalia of the keys.




Third Key Solutions is actual able-bodied positioned to accomplish a above appulse on the cryptocurrency industry as a whole. By developing best practices and allowance companies advance custom solutions for the able administration of funds, the accident companies face can be decidedly reduced. The team, forth with the casework offered by Third Key Solutions are abundantly solid and will acceptable advance cryptocurrency aegis and advance added abstruse addition aural Bitcoin. You acquisition out added about the Cryptocurrency Aegis Standard and Third Key Solutions here.


What do you anticipate of Third Key Solutions? Comment below!

Image Source: Third Key Solutions, Pixabay