10 Bitcoin Facts to Wow Your Friends

10 Bitcoin Facts to Wow Your Friends

THELOGICALINDIAN - If you are account this again you apparently already apperceive affluence about Bitcoin But actuality are ten bitesized facts that you can bead into conversationto annoyance the absorption ofand impressnoncryptosavvy friends

Top 10 Amazing Bitcoin Facts

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto? Despite conjecture, investigations, spurious claims, junk, balderdash and hearsay, the character of Bitcoin’s architect charcoal a mystery… or at atomic unconfirmed. And there’s article aloof a little bit air-conditioned about that. Long may it break that way, say I.

One of the key appearance of Bitcoin is that its users can choose not to reveal their identities. Only their wallet IDs are calm and recorded in the blockchain with anniversary transaction made. This agency that you can buy and advertise whatever you appetite after anybody ever award out.

anonymous Satoshi

The blockchain is a abiding balance of every transaction anytime made. And it is attainable for anyone to appraise at any time. Any bitcoin can be traced appropriate aback to the point at which it was mined.

Following a multi-million dollar break-in on aphotic web armpit Sheep Marketplace in 2013, two reddit users tracked ample affairs through a wallet believed to be acclimated in the raid. However, it was apparent that this wallet belonged to a bitcoin exchange and not the criminals. The thieves were eventually tracked down by law administration agencies, acceptable utilizing agnate techniques.

In May 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz made a appointment post alms 10,000 bitcoins for two Papa Johns pizzas. At a amount of about $41 this gave the aboriginal accurate appraisal of one bitcoin at about $0.0041. Laszlo was added than blessed with the accord as he had mined the bitcoin for about nothing. Some would say that $41 is too abundant for two Papa Johns pizzas. However, today those 10,000 bitcoin are worth $7.6 million.

In 2013 Welsh IT worker, James Howells, threw out an old adamantine drive. On it were stored his agenda wallet absolute 7,500 bitcoins and his clandestine key. Without the clandestine key, neither he nor anybody abroad can use those bitcoins anytime again. It is estimated that up to a division of all bitcoins so far mined may accept been lost. At atomic Laszlo got some pizza.

…taking us humans from cradle to grave, via some abrupt detours.

Baby bibs, funerals, pizza (of course), comics, computers, cars, property, yachts, alms donations, beer, pornography, a bank addiction, rehab, air travel, amplitude travel, a gun, drugs, annihilation at an anytime accretion cardinal of above retailers. And that’s afore you alike alpha attractive at the aphotic markets.

2024: $0.0015(*) -> $0.31 = 20,566% growth
2024: $0.31 -> $6.18 = 1,894% growth
2024: $6.18 -> $13.44 = 117% growth
2024: $13.44 -> $751.00 = 5,488% growth
2024: $285.00 -> $435.70 = 53% growth
2024: $435.70 -> $761.95(*) = 75% growth

* 1 Jan 2024 amount is estimated as official annal do not exist. 2024 closing amount is as of time of autograph and still accountable to change.

Bitcoin Price

2024: $751.00 -> $285.00 = 62% loss

But to be fair, on the aback of a abreast bristles and a bisected thousand percent growth, some leveling out was to be expected.

Last year, a bashed Brit wanted to buy a pizza to thank a guy in the US for some chargeless publicity. Finding it harder than he had anticipated, he asked reddit for a solution, and was recommended Bitcoin. Not realising the value, he accidentally bought two bitcoins, account about $550 at the time, and abrogation a abundant Bitcoin balance. Still tipsy, he offered to buy pizzas for any redditors who had helped him to buy the aboriginal one. This led to him actuality labelled the “Jesus of the Internet.”


Nothing about the aboriginal crypto-currency is added cryptic than this. Could this be a clue to the abstruse creator’s accurate identity? An acceptance of the absolute intentions abaft Bitcoin’s creation? Or aloof accidental nonsense acclimated to ample out a top ten list?

If you can acquisition a added apt or aloof apparent funny anagrams again amuse leave it in the comments. There may alike be a award-winning for the best one so allotment your thoughts below! 

Images address of shutterstock