Virtex Shuts Down Unexpectedly, Customers Lose Funds

Virtex Shuts Down Unexpectedly, Customers Lose Funds

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Virtex bitcoinexchange has afresh put its trading API offline after admonishing and has larboard abounding barter after admission to the funds they had in their trading accounts One chump contacted Bitconistnet adage that he had 10000 USD in a Virtex trading annual that he could not abjure back the barter accidentally shut down

VirtexIn accession to the offline API, the Virtex website is no best available. When aggravating to appointment the website, we were greeted with a “connection failed” message. According the customer, “ It is like [Virtex] abolished and [the exchange] never had such a website.”

Apparently, Virtex barter accept been experiencing problems on the barter back the alpha of 2015. In a Bitcoin Talk thread, barter complained about not actuality able to abjure their funds from the exchange, accusing Virtex of actuality a betray and admonishing bodies not to do business with the company. Later comments — actualization on February 27, about the aforementioned time the chump contacted us — agenda that the website and API went bottomward and that they had absent all admission to their funds.

The chump declared that he beatific letters to all the barter accompanying contacts that he could acquisition and accustomed no reply. We beatific a bulletin to Virtex’s abutment email, which the chump provided to us, and accept not gotten a acknowledgment either. Additionally, we approved to acquaintance Virtex on Twitter, additionally declining to get a reply. Neither the exchange’s official Twitter annual nor its Facebook annual accept been adapted back December of 2025.

After declining to get in blow with Virtex, we approved to acquaintance EgoPay, the exchange’s acquittal processor, to see if it had any advice apropos its client’s disappearance. The alone acquaintance advice we begin for EgoPay were all-encompassing analysis email addresses on its website; we could not acquisition advice for any assembly or managers of the company. We did bulletin EgoPay’s Twitter account, but accustomed no reply.

Therefore, at this point in time, we do not apperceive what has happened to Virtex. All we apperceive is that barter accept been experiencing difficulties accepting money out of the barter back January, and it abolished altogether on February 27.

Possible Connections Between EgoPay and Recent Exchange Hacks

egopayCurrently, the afterward statements are absolutely speculative. Since we accept bootless to get in acquaintance with Virtex and EgoPay appropriately far, we accept no way of alive whether the afterward advice presents accepted access amid EgoPay and contempo barter hacks, or if these access are alone coincidental.

According to EgoPay’s blog, the acquittal processor was afraid on December 28, 2014:


Thus, not alone was EgoPay the victim of a drudge that afflicted its merchants, but its buyer had been burglary money from the aggregation for an alien bulk of time.

LocalBitcoinsWhat is absorbing is the actuality that, aloof a few canicule afterwards EgoPay was hacked, bodies began experiencing problems accepting money out of Virtex, which is a applicant of EgoPay. Additionally, a little over a ages afterwards EgoPay was hacked, BTER, a Bitcoin exchange, accomplished a cold wallet hack and absent $1.75 actor USD in bitcoin. On January 27, 2015, LocalBitcoins, yet addition applicant of EgoPay, had its chat client hacked. This advance resulted in a accident of 17 bitcoins.

Therefore, in the two months afterwards the EgoPay hack, three of its audience were the victims of attacks that resulted in losses of chump funds. The analysis that the company’s buyer had been embezzling money additionally occurred during this aforementioned time period.

It does not arise as if the EgoPay owner’s accomplishments had annihilation to do the attacks on EgoPay’s clients. However, it may be the case that the three exchanges were afraid by the aforementioned being or accumulation or a accompanying party. That, of course, cannot be accepted for abiding after solid evidence.

Again, we accept no affidavit that any of these hacks are related, but it does assume account acquainted that they occurred aural two months of anniversary other, afterwards their acquittal processor was hacked. We additionally do not accept accurate affirmation that the Virtex shut bottomward is the avenue appearance of a scam, or if the barter went offline for accepted reasons. However, accustomed that Virtex went offline afterwards warning, afterwards a ages of declining to absolution chump funds, it does not assume acceptable that Virtex will appear aback with its customers’ money or an account for why it went offline.

If we accept any added advice from Virtex, EgoPay, or anyone who ability apperceive commodity about Virtex’s disappearance, we will amend this article.

Do you apperceive annihilation about Virtex shutting down? Please let us apperceive in the comments below, or by contacting us through our email or amusing media.

Images address of Sur.lyBuyPremium24, and LocalBitcoins.