Virtual Currencies Deserve A Virtual Expo: Crypto Money Expo

Virtual Currencies Deserve A Virtual Expo: Crypto Money Expo

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoinistnet has the central beat on the

Hundreds of developers, assessment leaders, bitcoiners and enthusiasts accept accepted their appearance in the Crypto Money Virtual Expo.

What Does this Mean?

Good question. This agency you can abstain the big-ticket airfare to the abutting bitcoin appointment and adore a abounding appointment acquaintance from the abundance of your home. Think about it! Crypto Money gives you the adventitious to lounge about in your admired comfort-wear while shmoozing with the better names in the crypto industry. Amazing! Isn’t active in the 21st aeon great?

The Event

The accident will affection alive online lectures from the top abstracts in the industry:

and added arch developers and visionaries from the crypto community.
Check out the full Agenda Here.

The Format

The Expo will be accessible to everyone, and will action chargeless admission to the lectures and to the basic exhibition halls, area dozens of startups and projects will present their companies via basic booths – utilizing video, agenda brochures and added advisory methods.

Virtual bazaar that offers a different acquaintance agnate to Mass Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games.
Notable appearance include:


On the 5-6 of Dec., 2014, the all-around crypto association will appear calm for the 1st time to mingle, allotment ability and arrangement at the 1st Crypto Money Virtual Expo – an “online accommodated up” that offers admission to every professional, developer, bitcoiner and enthusiast from about the world.

More Info

For added advice amuse acquaintance Eyal Abramovitch – Co architect Crypto Money Expo
[email protected]
