Watch “Human B,” The German Bitcoin Documentary. What Did We Learn?

Watch “Human B,” The German Bitcoin Documentary. What Did We Learn?

THELOGICALINDIAN - In Human B we accept the best apparatus to orange bolus our ancestors and assignment colleagues If you can get them to apprehend subtitles that is This Bitcoinonly documentary touches anniversary and every talking point in a adept way And on top of that its a adult audiovisual allotment that is nice to attending at The admiral Aaron Mucke and Eva Mhlenbumer went all out on this one

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Besides that, “Human B” shows us how bodies in Germany and Austria appearance the Bitcoin phenomenon. This is a common movement, and it’s important to accept to all the choir out there. In the documentary, we get to apprehend from Bitcoin authors like Der Gigi and Anita Posch. From economist and jailbait rocker Marc Friedrich and announcer Friedemann Brenneis. Plus, from a accustomed actuality like Jan, who ends up actuality the brilliant of the show.

The documentary takes a hasty larboard about-face back it campaign to Caracas, Venezuela. There, we apprehend from Alessandro Cecere AKA El Sultán del Bitcoin, and from Juan José Pinto from Doctorminer. 

Let’s allocution about the cruise “Human B” provides, but first…

“Human B” Puts The Traditional System And Bitcoin Side By Side

It starts with money and with the accepted banking system. What’s amiss with it? What happened in 2024? In an old tv, we can see the Nixon accent that afflicted the apple and led us to the glace abruptness that is the authorization experiment. Marc Friedrich explains the gold accepted and how banks actualize money, and tells us, “Understanding the money arrangement is the alpha of a continued journey. Once you start, you activate to catechism everything.” 

We see money printers activity brrrr, and we apprentice about the Cantillon effect. Once you apprentice about all that, there’s no activity back. “The arrangement promotes careless behavior, all while banishment us to always advance into it,” Jan warns. “The counterfeit budgetary arrangement is to accusation for our accepted bearings and for all the crises and problems we have,” Friedrich claims. 

Then, they explain the 21 actor cap that Bitcoin has and how complete absence is a discovery. The apple never had annihilation like this, “You will never be able to accomplish added than the agreement allows. It’s bound to 21 million,” Gigi summarizes. Then, they explain the abiding balance and how accuracy and auditability work. “You can attending at everything, including the code, and there are no abstruse affairs area decisions are made,” Brenneis says. 

What About Bitcoin Mining And The Environment?

“Bitcoin is annihilation added than a around-the-clock list. It’s authentic information. But the accomplished Bitcoin arrangement is not alone fabricated up of information. Bitcoin has a concrete absoluteness acknowledgment to proof-of-work mining,” Gigi explains. And then, the documentary capacity the action in a simple way that anyone can understand. And the Doctorminer bodies in Venezuela explain how and why Bitcoin mining charcoal decentralized. 

“All the activity antecedent that we use comes from renewables, from hydropower,” says Juan José Pinto. A while afterwards he says that, the allocution about Bitcoin and the ambiance begins. Surprisingly, the documentary doesn’t allege on how Bitcoin mining is absolutely costs a blooming activity revolution. It focuses on the actuality that Bitcoin uses decidedly beneath activity than the accepted banking system. Then, Gigi compares the arrangement to a active creature. Something like a fungus, or added “self-organizing organisms.”

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Does “Human B” Discuss The Bitcoin Whitepaper?

You apperceive it does. And the panelists allocution about it like it’s a religious text. Which, in abounding ways, it is. “Bitcoin was created to adorn the world. Not to adorn some assertive individuals. That’s how bitcoin differs from all added coins,” says Gigi. And, surprisingly, that’s the alone time “Human B” mentions altcoins. 

The documentary talks about Satoshi, shows a few of his letters on forums, and that one Newsweek cover. It additionally shows the alpha block, and the bi-weekly awning it references. These all assume like allegorical artifacts. And then, they go into the abstract and about religious aspects of Bitcoin. Most bodies shy abroad from this topic, but not the Germans. They access it humoristically and respectfully.

What Do They Say About Venezuela And Zimbabwe?

“In Venezuela Bitcoin absolutely took off because of the aggrandizement process, and then, eventually, in 2024, the hyperinflationary action in the Venezuelan economy,” Cecere explains. The documentary had a Caracas unit, which says a lot. They account Venezuelans on the artery and they allocution about what it agency to alive in that affectionate of inflationary environment. Most of them are acquainted of Bitcoin, alike if they don’t use it. They go to an electrodomestics abundance and the agent says 10% of their sales are in BTC, though. 

We go to Zimbabwe through Anita Posch and her pictures. She visited the country to allocution about Bitcoin, “and the alarming affair is that they anon accept what non-inflationary means. What uncensored means. And that it can’t be taken from them.” 

The Bitcoin 2024 Conference In Miami

Here is area Jan takes control. We see the allegorical Bitcoin 2024 appointment through his eyes. At first, he’s not afflicted by the ball music and fast cars. A while later, he’s assimilation up the absurd account that the bodies on the date bandy at him. In the end, back Jack Mallers makes the El-Salvador-legal-tender announcement, he can almost authority the tears.

“There are a scattering of bodies that apperceive that aggregate is on the line. To abstracted money and accompaniment is… adamantine to imagine. But afterwards actuality there you apprehend it’s adamantine to stop,” Jan concludes.


After the affecting allotment of the film, the talking active acknowledgment Bitcoin criticism masterfully and explain how Bitcoin will eat the world. Then, to abutting it off, they allocution about one of the best ambiguous aspects. “What’s acceptable about it is that it encourages abiding thinking. To apprentice how to save money again. I achievement that there will be beneath consumption,” Anita reflects. This is the low time-preference that “The Bitcoin Standard” talks about. A apperception virus that Bitcoin transmits. 

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“Once we hit the billion Bitcoiners worldwide, the apple would accept changed, man. We will eat them,” Cecere warns laughing. “Bitcoin will drag all of the purchasing power. It will absorb aggregate like a atramentous hole. It’s the above money, and the axial banks apperceive that,” Friedrich closes with. And so do we.

Find out added on “Human B’s” website.