THELOGICALINDIAN - This anniversary saw some bashful assets in the Bitcoin amount While this advance was far from acute it was absolutely adequately abrupt Last anniversary the amount entered a alongside arrangement that threatened to point bottomward advancing off of some bearish action Most of this anniversary remained in that aforementioned arrangement but the markets pulled advancement backward Sunday night
Also read: The Bitcoin Halving: Deflating the Hype
Daily Bitcoin Price Action
Total change: 3.10%
Monday, September 21. 2025 kicked off the anniversary with the Bitcoin amount at $229.28, able-bodied aural that aerial $220s to low $230s ambit accustomed aftermost week. Rather than sit still though, the amount absitively to trend downwards. By noon, the amount had collapsed to $227, afterwards which it backward adequately collapsed for a few hours. The amount biconcave afresh at 5 and 6 PM, but recovered in the afterward hours. The day bankrupt downward, though, sitting at $227.
In the news, the ambiguous 21 Inc. appear its aboriginal product, dubbed the “Bitcoin Computer.” This accessory operates as a Bitcoin miner and a abounding node, a aggregate that believes will abundantly addition Bitcoin functionality.
Tuesday started at $227.02, bottomward hardly from the alpha of the antecedent day. The Bitcoin amount connected to abatement in the aboriginal few hours of the morning, bottomward to a low of $223.12. However, the amount jumped upwards rather acutely at 5 AM, activity from $224 at the top of the hour to $230 at the close. After reestablishing that aerial $220s-low $230s range, the markets calmed bottomward a bit. After some accessory fluctuations throughout the day, Tuesday concluded on a alongside note, with the amount sitting durably at $230.79.
Meanwhile, we appear on BitGo’s anniversary in annual transaction volume. The Bitcoin wallet provider surpassed the $1bn USD mark in transaction volume, signalling that its users are blessed with its products.
The 23rd opened at $230.79, still benumbed the alongside arrangement that set in afterwards the arresting accretion during the morning of the 22nd. Overall, bazaar action on Wednesday was uneventful. Afterwards some fluctuation, the day bankrupt about absolutely area it began, with the Bitcoin amount at $230.41, aloof a few cents bottomward from the aperture price.
Neteller fabricated an agitative move on the 23rd, lowering its drop fee to 1%, authoritative the account alert as bargain as acclaim cards. Neteller is not a built-in Bitcoin acquittal processor; the aggregation processes acceptable payments, and began accepting Bitcoin aloof aftermost year.
Additionally, we appear on presidential hopeful Jeb Bush and his affairs to repeal the FCC’s net neutrality regulations if he makes it to the White House. Bush argues that net neutrality harms baby online businesses and Internet Service Providers, and that the best way to advance customer achievement is to acquiesce the ISP industry to acknowledgment to the way it was afore the FCC’s net neutrality ruling.
September 24 began at $230.41, and boarded aloft an advancement ascend that lasted best of the day. By the end of the apex hour, the Bitcoin amount accomplished $234. The markets hit addition aiguille at 3 PM, ascent to $235 by the basal of the hour. The assemblage hit a abeyance in the evening, and the day bankrupt out in that mid $230s range.
Friday started out at $233.58. Shortly afterwards the day began, the markets attempted to bake the rally, accretion the Bitcoin amount to $236 by the end of the 3 AM hour. That drive bound fizzled out, though, and the amount backward collapsed for several hours afore bottomward downward. By the end of the day, the amount fell aback into the mid $230s, abiding to the accustomed arrangement from the antecedent day.
Meanwhile, in the news, we appear that Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa paid a adopted aggregation to take bottomward bellicose Internet content. The aggregation alive with Correa is Mexico-based Emerging MC, which specializes in application the law to force the abatement of Internet content.
Saturday the 26th opened at $234.73, gearing up for a day of about inactivity. The markets did not bend from that adequate mid $230s range, bringing the 26th to a quiet abutting at $233.
Sunday, September 27 started with the Bitcoin amount at $233.55, and would prove to be an active day for the Bitcoin markets. The day began with a actual slight bottomward slope, sliding into the low $230s about midday, and hitting a low of $231.16 at 5 PM. The amount backward in the low $230s for the abutting few hours. Then, at 10 PM, the amount sprung upward, activity from $233 at the top of the hour to $234 at the close. The amount went up alike college at 11 PM, hitting $236. The anniversary bankrupt at $236.39, authoritative for an all-embracing acknowledgment of 3.10%
Where will the Bitcoin Price go from Here?
The backward night fasten in the Bitcoin amount on Sunday was unexpected. It is ambiguous whether the jump will accept any blockage power, or if it was alone abstract affect spontaneously attractive advancement for a abrupt moment. To put alternating a conservative, safer anticipation for the advancing week, I will say that the amount may authority in the aerial $230s, possibly dipping bottomward into that accustomed mid $230s area. However, the amount could abide rising, which would be acceptable for anybody in the Bitcoin world, alike admitting the assemblage ability be short-lived.
What do you anticipate will appear to the Bitcoin price? Let us apperceive in the comments below!
Jeb Bush image courtesy of AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee
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