Why a Growing Risk Appetite Could Send Bitcoin to $14,000

Why a Growing Risk Appetite Could Send Bitcoin to $14,000

THELOGICALINDIAN - After a abiding aeon of trading in the lower9000 arena Bitcoin beasts accept assuredly stepped up and acquired ascendancy of the cryptocurrency

Yesterday, the benchmark agenda asset saw a aciculate advance that accustomed it to assemblage accomplished the acute attrition that it was adverse aural the $9,400 region.

In the above-mentioned week, BTC had fabricated assorted bootless attempts to breach aloft this amount region, with anniversary bounce consistent in a abrupt movement aback appear $9,100.

One armamentarium administrator is now acquainted that beasts arise to be athirst for added gains, with this growing appetence for accident potentially actuality abundant to activate a near-term movement to $14,000.

Bitcoin Shows Signs of Strength Following Overnight Upswing

At the time of writing, Bitcoin is trading up hardly at its accepted amount of $9,500.

Yesterday afternoon, buyers were able to advance the cryptocurrency as aerial as $9,550 afore it faced some affairs burden that slowed its ascent.

It is important to agenda that BTC has yet to affirm $9,500 as a abutment level, but it does arise that buyers are now attempting to complete a support-resistance cast as it hovers about this level.

Where it trends abutting could abundantly depend on whether it can abide captivation aloft here.

If buyers falter and it dips lower, this would be a assurance of basal weakness.

BTC Could Soon Rally to $14,000, Claims Fund Manager 

One admired armamentarium administrator afresh explained that he believes Bitcoin is assertive to analysis $10,500 next, with a appointment to this aerial time anatomy attrition actuality bound followed by a billow up to $14,000.

He explained that a “growing accident appetite” amidst investors could be the catalyst for this movement.

How Bitcoin continues reacting to this acute akin should accommodate investors with cogent insights into its mid-term outlook.