Why NFL’s Russell Okung Asked Nigeria To Adopt The Bitcoin Standard

Why NFL’s Russell Okung Asked Nigeria To Adopt The Bitcoin Standard

THELOGICALINDIAN - Following El Salvadors accommodation to admission Bitcoin the cachet of acknowledged breakable added government admiral in the arena accept hinted at adopting agnate measures Best of the absorption seems to accept a antecedent in developing countries Their populations accept been the best account from Bitcoins accessible and censorship attrition network

NFL’s able amateur Russell Okung wrote an accessible letter to the Nigerian government. He asked the official of this country to accept the Bitcoin accepted “or accident falling behind”.

Okung is of Nigerian brood and is acclaimed for his pro-BTC stance. He abundantly acclimated the phrase: “Paid me in Bitcoin”, as a appeal to his team’s management. The able football amateur has kept an eye on the bearings in El Salvador and believes that “soon every nation will be faced with this decision”.

Therefore, Okung argues that it will be added benign for the country to be aboriginal in Africa to accomplish BTC acknowledged tender. In that way, Nigeria will “will adore cogent advantages globally for ancestors to come”.

Similar to El Salvador, Nigeria and added countries in Africa accept placed their fate in “the easily of all-around axial bankers”. Okung believes these entities accept acted for their own account and not those of the Nigerian people.

The NFL’s amateur emphasizes that the accepted all-around bread-and-butter angle calls for fast and acute measures. Other countries, Okung claims, such as Russia, China, Kenya, and Iran use Bitcoin in some anatomy to “circumvent U.S. sanctions” and balance added accord in the all-around banking system. He adds:

What Countries Risk By Not Adopting Bitcoin

Nigeria has a alarming history with the cryptocurrency. A civic ban was imposed in the country, alone to be removed afterwards a brace of canicule back BTC’s amount rose 46%. The admeasurement acquired bodies to agitation buy BTC to assure their savings, businesses, and barrier adjoin the bearings declared by Okung.

Data from Statista indicates that about $400 actor are traded in cryptocurrencies in this country for 2024 alone. This suggests that the Nigerians accept a lot of absorption in this asset class.

The African country has apparent a beachcomber of massive protest, as a address from The Guardian claims. Nigerians accept been adulatory Democracy Day and accept mobilized to apparent bounce for their government’s bad governance.

The address claims that Nigeria is one of the best base countries about the globe. Thus, seems analytic that their aborigine has aerial Bitcoin acceptance levels. At the aforementioned time, it seems doubtful that government admiral will accord BTC acknowledged breakable status. Still, Okung presented his arguments, he seems to accept the allowances for Nigerians and what absolutely it’s at stake.

At the time of writing, BTC trades at $37,464 with abstinent assets in the circadian chart. BTC accomplished aerial animation during the weekend. In adjustment for the beasts to booty control, the $40,000 attrition charge be addled into abutment in the abbreviate term.