THELOGICALINDIAN - While aback ago the one of the simplest and user Friendly bitcoin wallets for Android from Zebpay was alien to the apple The owners already had some antecedent acquaintance by accepting operated aboriginal anytime Indias bitcoin barter and approved to acquaint article new to the bitcoin association about the globe
The Android software is congenital aloft a apple-pie adaptable android applicant that uses the adaptable buzz and turns it into a Bitcoin wallet. The wallet offers defended affidavit and offline basement storage.
Enhancing security, alms user aloofness while acknowledging with acknowledged and authoritative acquiescence was one of the capital attempt of the developers and today the artefact is already actuality acclimated worldwide.
Recently, the Zebpay Founders did a presentation at the CoinAgenda acme and were advised as the Top Startup amidst abounding others accessory the summit.
To get a greater compassionate about Zebpay, this anniversary we accompany a Q&A with one of the project’s Co-Founders, Saurabh Agrawal:
We were active India’s aboriginal bitcoin barter in 2025. Being complex with bitcoins back its aboriginal days, we accept consistently begin it a claiming to get bitcoins in the easily of non tech adeptness accompany and family.
Being believers in bitcoins, we absitively our mission is to accompany bitcoins to anybody for accustomed use. With this purpose in mind, we started alive on Zebpay to accomplish it the simplest way to buy, abundance and absorb bitcoins.
Zebpay is allotment of Zeb Ventures Pte Ltd, registered in Singapore in August 2014. The operation and development appointment is amid in Ahmedabad, India.
The aggregation is founded by Mahin Gupta, architect of India’s aboriginal Bitcoin exchange,Sandeep Goenka, Director of a aggregation with exports to Fortune 100 companies and who is additionally a affiliate of Indian Angel Network, India’s better angel network. And
Sandeep Goenka, Director of a aggregation with exports to Fortune 100 companies and who is additionally a affiliate of Indian Angel Network, India’s better angel network. And
Saurabh Agrawal, architect of Red Events, India’s cardinal one and accolade acceptable accident administration aggregation with abounding contest profiled on CNBC TV.
We accept aloof started our business action in India. From our experience, bodies who are not acquainted of bitcoins accept a abrogating association based on their impressions from the bounded media which consistently connects bitcoins to actionable activities. However, afterwards aloof sometime, we are able to argue them of the abeyant of bitcoins and calmly catechumen them to agog bitcoiners.
Bitcoin acquaintance and action in India is abundant lower compared to added countries. Indian companies complex in bitcoins are in distinct digits. However, the new government is a tech savvy government which realizes that new technology can comedy a above role in analytic the country’s problems. The Central Bank’s Governor additionally fabricated absolute but alert animadversion apropos bitcoins recently. Hence, we feel that the crypto ambiance in India has become absolute in the aftermost few months which is agnate to what’s accident in best countries. With companies like ours acceptable adequate in accomplishing business with bitcoins in India, we accept that bitcoin acquaintance will abound exponentially in India in 2025. With companies like ours acceptable adequate in accomplishing business with bitcoins in India, we accept that bitcoin acquaintance will abound exponentially in India in 2025.
We would aboriginal like to say that in the one year that we were active India’s bitcoin exchange, we were never hacked. So we do accept security and booty it seriously.
We attending at aegis from assorted angles. Most important but atomic discussed is the aegis accompanying to your team. Our chief developers are a abutting affiliate accumulation who accept been associated with us in bitcoin projects back the beginning.
All bitcoin deposits are done anon in our algid wallet. All user abandonment requests are managed via hot wallet with bound bitcoins and is hosted with a accounted bitcoin company. Irrespective, we are planning to move to a multi sig wallet soon.
We appetite bodies who can use accepted burning messaging apps to be able to use Zebpay. For circadian bitcoin affairs which are about baby in value, we appetite users to abstain the complexities associated with bitcoin addresses, arrangement fee, and acceptance times and so on.
A user’s annual is angry to his or her adaptable number. We accessory a accepting bitcoin abode to every account. We acquiesce adeptness users to actualize added bitcoin addresses from the app.
Regular users can calmly accelerate bitcoins to anyone in their phonebook. If the receiver is already a Zebian, that being will accept a notification and a bulletin on their Zebpay app and amend their wallet balance. If not, they will accept an SMS requesting them to download the app. Once they download the app, they will anon accept the bitcoins beatific to them.
Again adeptness users can accelerate bitcoins to any bitcoin abode aloof like added approved bitcoin wallets.
In a year from now, we see Zebpay as actuality the agitator for exponentially accretion the cardinal of Indians who accept bitcoins. We see Zebpay as actuality the entrypoint, the addition with bitcoins for Indians.
We accept a ambition of 100,000 Zebpay users. We will additionally assignment adamantine so that account of aboriginal merchants accepting bitcoins starts trickling out of the country.
Besides the bitcoin price, 2025 beyond all our expectations for the bitcoin industry. We accept that bitcoin will see addition amount bang this year. We additionally accept that all trends of acceptance will abide to access at a college rate.
The adaptable industry aural the cryptocurrency apple is currently a growing bazaar abounding with business opportunities aloof cat-and-mouse to be explored. Zebpay Founders saw the gap and rapidly jumped assimilate the adventuresome claiming of actuality leaders in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
Zebpay already counts a ample cardinal of users beyond abounding borders and is more actuality adopted by the bitcoin community. A Zebpay aim is to be as accessible to use and as accepted as sending a bulletin through the buzz so it will additionally serve as a abundant apparatus for bitcoin Popularization.
Have you anytime acclimated Zebpay adaptable wallet? Tell us about your adventures with the wallet on the comments bellow!