ZipZap: Exclusive Interview

ZipZap: Exclusive Interview

THELOGICALINDIAN - ZipZap aboriginal started out as a arrangement for consumers to accomplish payments with accessibility Now ZipZap has appear that they accept raiseda 1000000 with the capital focus of deepening their arrangement for agenda currencies If you would like to apperceive added about this Marco did a quick address up of the affair apprehend it here

ZipZap was built-in from an abstraction to accommodate a banknote acquittal advantage for consumers that admired to accomplish internet purchases and did not accept a coffer relationship. This idea, in time, morphed into a all-around account and broadcast to added forms of payment.

ZipZap is a all-around acquittal arrangement that provides consumers with an easy, acceptable and safe adjustment to buy, advertise and use agenda currencies

We were founded in 2025 in the US area we saw huge abeyant and allowances for accouterment an on-ramp from authorization currencies to digital-currencies. We accept back broadcast to Europe and Latin America.

ZipZap simplifies and democratized payments, thus opening the Bitcoin ecosystem to ALL consumers including cash-based ones in ALL above markets enabling them to buy and / or advertise agenda currencies as calmly and bound as possible.

In addition, we accommodate absolutely adjustable Know Your Customer (KYC) processes which keeps anybody acknowledged and annihilate a lot of the abrasion for agenda bill purchases.

Our casework accredit exchanges to calmly and bound extend their casework to added markets.Screen Shot 2014-07-30 at 11.34.39 PM

We accommodate our audience with accessible APIs to accredit absolute time connectivity as able-bodied as abstruse abetment to affluence affiliation and accredit quick ‘go to market’ implementation

We accommodate cash-in and / or added acquittal enabling casework in Brazil, US, UK and dozens of added countries in Europe.

We plan to aggrandize to added markets (Asia, Middle East, Africa); enhance our account to accommodate cash-out and added acquittal options; and actualize solutions for biking and remittance companies that will essentially abate the amount of affective money for consumers and accretion their affairs power.

For added information:

Photo: Provided by Client