Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Awards Grant to Factom

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Awards Grant to Factom

THELOGICALINDIAN - Blockchainbased aggregation Factom has appear it will anon defended medical annal on its belvedere The close accustomed a admission from the Bill Melinda Gates Foundation to accommodate abiding and calmly attainable annal

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Gates Foundation Grant to Produce Distributed Medical Database

bill-and-melinda-gates-foundation1Factom, the blockchain as-a-service (BaaS) technology company, has been steadily advanced its project. The company’s best contempo efforts accept been a partnership with Intrinio to accumulate Wall Street records on the blockchain, and a admission from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The close additionally secured 4.2 million in a allotment annular led by broker Tim Draper of Draper Associates.  

Now Factom has received a admission from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) to accumulate globally broadcast medical annal with biometric verification. BMGF is the better clandestine foundation in the world, which aims to bolster all-around healthcare. Traditionally, befitting medical annal has been bulky and paper-based. Factom says creating blockchain annal makes things added affordable, and protects these annal from accident or manipulation.

Factom Based Record Keeping Could Benefit the Developing World

factom_logoThe Factom BaaS account has positioned itself as a blockchain that secures data. For the DHS, the belvedere will be acclimated to secure the agency’s sensors and devices. By accepting medical records, Factom believes they can implement a bigger band-aid about the globe.

“Creating medical annal about an alone and accepting them with the Factom blockchain solves both these problems in an affordable and applied way that may accommodate different allowances for the developing world,” the aggregation explained.

Factom said the blockchain-based arrangement will accord medical professionals and hospitals the abstracts they charge in real-time. This can be adverse to alleviative diseases in the “ever-shifting ambiance of the developing world,” it added. A medical able can admission advice via a smartphone and attending up anesthetic annal for babies. Or an HIV-infected being can admission their own viral amount altitude after-effects via the Factom blockchain.

Blockchain-Based Healthcare Grows Popular       

Factom believes the technology can save lives and costs, abnormally in developing nations. Some of these nations accept the world’s deadliest diseases and admission to medical and anesthetic annal can beggarly activity or afterlife for patients. However, there are competitors aural the blockchain industry aiming for the aforementioned goals in the healthcare environment. Projects like Gem Health and alike the U.S. government accept been pushing similar healthcare ideas.

Factom said it will on accouterment abstruse innovations to society. By hosting all-important medical and anesthetic records, this blazon of abstracts can be time-stamped and absolute added easily.

What do you anticipate about the aggregation recording medical annal and accepting a admission from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images address of Shutterstock, and Pixabay. 

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