Bitcoin Bonus Program Gets Ukrainians Interested in Crypto

Bitcoin Bonus Program Gets Ukrainians Interested in Crypto

THELOGICALINDIAN - Despite Bitcoinsamorphousstatus in Ukraine bounded activists are not abashed to accompany Bitcoin to the publics absorption In actuality the Bitcoin Bonus Program artlessly gives bitcoin abroad to bodies in the countrys basic of Kiev

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The Bitcoin Bonus Program

Ukraine Bitcoin Bonus ProgramOn February 10, 2016, Natural Products, a health-food boutique in Kiev (Mekhanizatorov St., 2) started a loyalty affairs alleged ”The Bitcoin Bonus.”

During checkout, a sales associate gives shop clients symbolical aureate bill of different amounts in BTC, with an activation cipher on them.

A cafe called “Eda” (”Sportlife” Trading Center, Marshala Koneva St., 8) abutting ”Natural Products” in giving the bill to the barter as a accomplice of the adherence program. Any of the visitors who had a added than 100 UAH analysis (around 4 dollars), accustomed a 1 dollar benefit coin.

To redeem the coins, barter appointment the Bonus Program’s website, listed on the concrete coin. There, they receive instructions on what to do to grab their bonuses. Visitors are prompted to download a wallet assimilate their PC or Android/iOS accessories and contact Bonus Program Support via phone, Telegram or Viber.

Bitcoin Benefit ProgramThey again accelerate their bitcoin abode and the activation cipher (shown on the coin’s reverse) and get bitcoin in return. Support will tell customers how to absorb bitcoins locally and globally, how to bushing and defended their bitcoin wallets, and why they anticipate their affairs is bigger than accustomed benefit systems.

Between February 10 and 15, barter got added than 200 such coins. As a result, up to 50 bodies created their aboriginal Bitcoin wallets (and accustomed bonuses).

By announcement Bitcoin in such a way, the boutique owners not alone animate bodies to try cryptocurrencies. Furthermore, during the campaign, sales at the Eda Cafe increased, demonstrating to added businesses that application bitcoin could be profitable.

The Best Place to Give Away Bitcoin

Natural Products buyer Oles Slobodeniuk decided to alpha the Bitcoin Bonus Program in his boutique as a way to advance Bitcoin acquaintance alongside the growing health-food trend in Ukraine.

In accession to giving the concrete bill to his customers, Slobodeniuk additionally gives bitcoins to his accompany and hides them in accessible places for bodies to find.

Slobodeniuk is accepted amid Ukranian Bitcoiners for several cryptocurrency-related projects, such as the HOTMINE Miner-Boiler and, a account area Ukrainians can buy tickets to concerts, masterclasses, plays or movies, and pay in Bitcoin.

He additionally created the #takemybitcoin social attack in 2025, in which Bitcoin activists left Bitcoin-related letters in bistro and restaurant guestbooks.

One of these letters reads:

Bitcoin Bonus Program

After accepting a bulletin like this, some of the Kiev-based restaurants — such as “Chessnock” — accept showed interest in accepting bitcoin payments.

What do you anticipate of Ukrainian activists and their means of overextension the chat about the Internet of Money? Let us apperceive in the comments!

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