Celebrity Endorsed ICO Projects – Where Are They Now?

Celebrity Endorsed ICO Projects – Where Are They Now?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Over the accomplished year weve apparent the acceleration in acceptance of ICOs as a fundraising apparatus in the cryptocurrency amplitude In adjustment to angle out from the army some ICOs accept enlisted the advice of celebrities in an attack to addition their believability Heres a quick attending of some of the added notable celebrity accustomed projects

Floyd Mayweather was one of the aboriginal celebrities to endorse an antecedent bread offering. In July 2025, he fabricated an Instagram column announcement Stox.com, a anticipation bazaar belvedere which went on to accession $30 actor USD.

Floyd Mayweather promotes ICO

However, this was about the alone acknowledged celebrity-backed ICO to date. Mayweather again went on to alarm himself Floyd “Crypto” Mayweather and accustomed Centra and Hubii, two added ICOs. The above concluded up actuality answerable with artifice by the SEC, while the closing bootless to ability its fundraising target.

Another acclaimed celebrity-endorsed ICO that bootless would be LydianCoin, a belvedere that would allegedly amalgamate blockchain technology with “targeted, AI-driven agenda business and announcement services.” This led to Paris Hilton, great-granddaughter of the architect of Hilton Hotels to advance the coin. In a cheep that has back been deleted, she wrote:

Paris Hilton promotes Lydian ICO

Less than two months later, it was apparent that the arch controlling of the activity was begin accusable of calm abuse, and the SEC started to acquaint investors of the risks complex in ICOs, decidedly those answer by accepted celebrities.

Hilton wasn’t the alone one that concluded up announcement a ambiguous project; arresting amateur Steven Seagal took on the role of cast agent of “Bitcoiin”, a arrant ripoff of Bitcoin. So it didn’t absolutely appear as a abruptness back New Jersey regulators beatific the founders a cease-and-desist order, bidding Seagal to allotment means with the project.

Steven Seagal promotes Bitcoiin ICO

The access in apprehensive startups aggravating to use celebrity endorsement as a agency to allure investors prompted the SEC to affair a admonishing about celebrity-endorsed antecedent bread offerings. The admonishing reads:

This isn’t the alone time that regulators accept stepped in to try and adapt the ICO market. John McAfee, accepted for his arguable tweets and opinions, reportedly charged $100k USD for announcement ICOs and had allegedly accumulated a aggregation aloof for this purpose. However, a little over a ages ago, he appear that he would stop alive with badge auction projects, citation “SEC threats” and advertence that “those accomplishing ICOs can all attending advanced to arrest.”

Do you anticipate that celebrity endorsements actually advice add believability to a project? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

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