Counterparty Supports SegWit, Adds BlockTrail CTO to Team

Counterparty Supports SegWit, Adds BlockTrail CTO to Team

THELOGICALINDIAN - Counterparty is one of the best important platforms congenital on top of Bitcoin to booty things one footfall added Even admitting best of the focus still lies on the banking aspects Counterparty distinguishes itself as a belvedere to affair and administer assets as able-bodied as accouterment added layers of aegis In this day and age of digitizing aggregate such a belvedere could prove to be an invaluable apparatus for companies about the apple The contempo development amend paints an absorbing roadmap for the approaching of this activity

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Counterparty’s 2024 Roadmap

Bitcoin.com_Counterparty Logo New


Many changes and updates are advancing to the Counterparty platform, and users will be able to acquire the allowances shortly. The aboriginal change advancing is the addition of subassets, which will acquiesce asset owners to actualize a “child asset”. For example, if somebody issues the “PremierLeague” asset, they could accomplish subassets such as “PremierLeague.ManU” and “PremierLeague.Chelsea”, and so on.

Similar to how assets can be traded on the Counterparty platform, subassets will adore the aforementioned blazon of functionality. But at the aforementioned time, there is an unparalleled ambit of adaptability to analyze a subasset from the flock. In a time area bodies are attractive to digitize aloof about anything, appropriately called assets will go a continued way.

Several blockchain-based projects – which are already application assets – will anon see the account of introducing subassets to their users. However, it is important to agenda this angle is still in an aboriginal abstract anatomy on GitHub,  where it is cat-and-mouse for final approval. Once this has been achieved, alive on the accomplishing can begin, and the affection will be thoroughly trialed on the testnet afore actuality appear to the public.

To break on the affair of assets on Counterparty for a moment, an accessory to the counterparty-lib will be advancing as well. Doing so will accommodate users with a abounding history for every alone asset anytime issued on the platform, and accessing this log can be done through a new API call. In the end, third-party developers will accept an easier time accepting acquainted with Counterparty and accessing specific information.

Security-wise, Counterparty will be implementing a altered adaptation of multisig. In its accepted form, active a multisig transaction by application specific Counterparty addresses is already possible, but the functionality will be improved. For example, the “standard” Bitcoin multisig addresses = which activate with a “3” instead of a “1” – will be accurate out of the box. This new adaptation of multisig – alleged P2SH multisig – is developed in-house, and is ability a absolute vetting process.


Counterparty Adds Blocktrail CTO to Team

Growing a business can be done in abounding altered ways, and accretion the aggregation is an important footfall in the appropriate direction. Counterparty has added a new affiliate to their agents in the anatomy of Blocktrail CTO Ruben De Vries. De Vries’ assorted years of acquaintance in the Bitcoin software development industry should be an accomplished accession to the company. In fact, he is the one amenable for developing the P2SH multisig application that is currently actuality tested.

Truth be told, Ruben De Vries has been a allotment of the Counterparty development aggregation for absolutely some time now. Not alone did he check the Counterwallet for its latest release, but De Vries has additionally been actively alive on authoritative counterparty-lib added abiding and accretion its performance. Regardless of the transaction aggregate activity on at any accustomed time, counterparty-lib seems to be administration aggregate absolutely well. Users can apprehend added enhancements to be fabricated to the cipher back necessary.

When asked about the block admeasurement debate, the Counterparty Founders stated: 

As a result, Counterparty is aboveboard assuming their abutment for Bitcoin Core and the Segregated Witness solution. Segwit abutment is advancing to Counterwallet in the actual abreast future, which will acquiesce for cheaper affairs and bringing Counterparty in band with the development roadmap of Bitcoin Core itself.

What are your thoughts on the updates and changes advancing to Counterparty? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Source: Counterparty Blog

Images address of Counterparty, Shutterstock,