The Holy Trinity: Blockchain, Medical Records and Wearable Tech

The Holy Trinity: Blockchain, Medical Records and Wearable Tech

THELOGICALINDIAN - Technological advancements in this day and age are apparent as both a absolution and a anathema Innovation is consistently heralded with apprehension and averseness at the aforementioned time abrogation the aperture advanced accessible for accumulation burning of technology that isnt appropriately adequate Recent innovations such as wearable tech ability prove to be a aegis accident in the abreast approaching While accumulation acceptance of wearable tech will not appear aloof yet attention medical annal is acceptable a key point of focus

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Taking Healthcare Record Security to a New Level

Bitcoin.com_Meidcal Record KeepingOne of the added important aspects of activity is a person’s medical records. Not alone do these annal accommodate admired advice apropos an individual’s concrete and brainy history, but they are additionally abounding with acute financial information. A date of birth, amusing aegis number, and added information, is of aerial amount to hackers attractive to accomplish character theft.

Even storing medical records in the billow is no best a applicable advantage in our society, as billow casework are decumbent to attacks and data accident as well. In fact, there alone seems to be one way forward, and that is application decentralized database solutions, powered by blockchain technology. Doing so would abolish any axial point of abortion from the blueprint while bringing top cleft aegis to boot.

Under accepted legislation, medical annal accept to be able in an able fashion. If the companies and institutions in allegation of this aegis are to be believed, there is annihilation amiss with the accepted system, and all complex parties because this albatross a top priority. However, acceptable systems are additionally decumbent to abstracts breaches and hacking attempts, and things charge to change eventually rather than later.

Storage of medical annal wouldn’t be the alone account of all-embracing decentralized, blockchain-based solutions. Internal advice amid medical practitioners, brainy institutions and hospitals would become far easier, added transparent, and added convenient. In the end, this creates a win-win book for all parties involved, abnormally the patients.

Factom is one of the above companies attractive into harnessing blockchain technology for these kinds of purposes. In fact, Factom is alive adamantine on rolling out a blockchain-based band-aid for befitting annal and managing data. Medical annal and Factom would be a absolute match, as it would amalgamate the best of both worlds into one able and defended solution.

The Factom platform is congenital on top of the Bitcoin blockchain and allows for direct advice about the world. Because the Bitcoin arrangement is absolutely decentralized — and accurate by computers beyond the apple — autumn medical annal on such a able and able-bodied technology seems to be a no-brainer.

Contrary to the abstruse innovations demography abode in the medical acreage itself, these changes do not crawl bottomward to the way medical annal are kept and secured. It is annoying to agenda this bearings will alone change already article has gone wrong, rather than demography the all-important accomplish proactively. Healthcare IT is affective at a snail’s clip in this regard, but that business archetypal is no best adequate or viable.

Decentralized abstracts and almanac befitting solutions such as Factom can additionally comedy a cardinal role in added sectors. Preventing the breaching of arcane abstracts is aloof one of the abounding aspects, as the aforementioned technology could additionally comedy a role in the development of wearable technology in the abreast future.

Wearable Technology Meets Blockchain Technology?

Bitcoin.com_Wearable TechnologyWearable technology is addition above addition that seems to be demography the apple by storm, admitting its huge abeyant for aegis risks. Most wearable technology articles are aloof a “secondary awning experience” for whatever is activity on with your adaptable device, but that bearings could change in the abreast future.

That actuality said, every allotment of wearable runs an operating system, which could be accessible to awful attacks. Using technology solutions such as Factom would accumulate abstracts stored cautiously on the blockchain, rather than befitting it on a accessory amid on your wrist or neck.

There are above hurdles to affected back it becomes to these confusing abstruse innovations. Factom, wearable technology, and alike the decentralization of casework are all actuality greeted by wariness at this time. However, by creating use cases about every being on the planet can chronicle to, Factom and the blockchain will accomplish the apple a safer place, and not aloof for wearable accessories or medical records.

Bringing blockchain technology to any aspect of activity is an acclivous battle. Most people, abnormally those in seats of power, are ashore in their acceptable agency of thinking. Until they can see how platforms like Factom can advance aloft absolute solutions, they will not be affected to accomplish any changes. Sooner or later, these institutions will appear beyond an affair they can no best break through acceptable means, and that is the moment back blockchain technology will accomplish faculty to them. However, it will be too backward by then, as they will accept absent the assurance of their customers.

Would you assurance the blockchain with your medical annal or wearable tech? Let us apperceive in the comments below!


Images address of My Housecall MD, Emerging Ed Tech, Shutterstock

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