Hong Kong Government Still Cautious About Blockchain

Hong Kong Government Still Cautious About Blockchain

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Hong Kong Monetary Authority HKMA captivated a oneday fintech accident on Friday to present blockchain and broadcast balance technology DLT to the industry The accident additionally coincided with the axial banks barrage of a DLT analysis whitepaper The cardboard says fintech explores new frontiers above contemporary cyberbanking or acquittal casework like bogus intelligence basic absoluteness and big abstracts analytics But is Hong Kongs access too alert to be useful

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Analyze Benefits, Then Challenges and Risks

HKMA Fintech Day Event“DLT is conceivably bigger accepted as ‘blockchain'” the document’s addition reads, conceivably adopting eyebrows amid the field’s technologists. This technology goes far above aloof basic currencies or commodities, it adds. However as DLT’s amount hypothesis grows, it additionally presents new risks and babyminding issues the industry charge appraise first.

Speakers at the fintech accident referred to the cardboard and presented its key aims. These accommodate the charge to archetype DLT’s potential, its risks, and its authoritative and acknowledged implications. Additionally, they admired to analyze accessible applications to cyberbanking casework by agreeable in proof-of-concept work.

With this knowledge, advisers would accommodate ascendancy advice to the cyberbanking sector. They would allotment any acquaint abstruse with the fintech industry and cyberbanking area in Hong Kong, so as to facilitate added DLT developments.

Hong Kong Optimistic About Blockchain, but Still Very Cautious

While all-embracing fintech generally, the accident took a alert access to DLT. Delivering a keynote address, HKMA arch controlling Norman T.L. Chan said:

HKMA Fintech Day Event“The actual actuality that DLT allows advice or annal to be transferred and adapted by arrangement participants in a trustworthy, defended and able way, carries astronomic abeyant in its application. However, while the amount hypothesis of DLT is gradually crystallising, the use of DLT in cyberbanking casework may accompany about new risks and challenges in its application. As a authoritative authority, the HKMA needs to accept a bigger compassionate of these issues afore DLT can be adopted for advanced appliance in the cyberbanking sector.”

The whitepaper concludes that it’s too abortive to draw audible abstracts on DLT at this stage. Instead, it calls for regulators, the acknowledged profession and absolute technology assessors to accomplish preparations. It additionally asks them to practice prudence, and not get too aflame until they abode all key issues.

HKMA commissioned the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) to aftermath the whitepaper. A additional whitepaper will arise already the proof-of-concept and authoritative assay is complete.

Not All Local Startups Impressed

Some accident attendees, however, bidding disappointment. Thomas Glücksmann, apery bounded cryptocurrency barter Gatecoin, abounding the event. About he said the whitepaper’s capacity do little for the territory’s startups or acceptability as a banking addition center.

What’s added frustrating, Glücksmann added, is that ASTRI did not appoint with any Hong Kong-based blockchain startups to analyze or accommodate ascribe on the whitepaper. “When you exclude startups from the altercation about the technology they are allowance to innovate, and additionally exclude them from absolute admission to a fintech sandbox, don’t apprehend abundant actuality abaft all the advertising about Hong Kong acceptable a major fintech hub.”

Hong Kong Tech Organizations Backing Blockchain

The activity includes cardinal ally Cyberport and the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks. Both organizations are alive on added blockchain-related projects, such as the accessible “Chain of Shipping” case-study event.

Whereas 2014 saw axial banks affair approved boilerplate warnings adjoin cryptocurrencies, there’s now a blitz to embrace blockchain. Hong Kong’s ancestor government in China is additionally on board, absolution its own blockchain whitepaper in October. That release coincided with a two-day conference aimed at presenting blockchain’s allowances to chief government officials.

Is government activity for blockchain and DLT a revolution, or aloof an evolution? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images via Thomas Glücksmann, Shutterstock

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